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Gerry Adams welcomes ETA Ceasefire
22 mar 2006
Speaking after the announcement of a permanent ceasefire by ETA Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams said:
"Sinn Fein has been in dialogue with all of the Basque political parties and in particular Batasuna. I have also written to the Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Zapatero.

"Sinn Féin's objective has been to promote conflict resolution and to assist in whatever way we can the development of a peace process. I welcome today's news from the Basque Country.

"ETA's announcement provides all sides to the conflict with an opportunity of historic proportions. Today?s announcement gives a considerable boost to the development of a conflict resolution process.

"It is incumbent on all sides to the conflict to grasp this opportunity, and to do everything in their power to make political progress a reality.

"Sinn Fein believes that the key to progress is an inclusive process of dialogue in which all of the participants are treated on the basis of equality. All possibilities must be on the agenda for discussion.

"There is a particular onus and responsibility on the Spanish government to respond positively and creatively.

"The Spanish government should immediately intervene to stop the political trials against Batasuna leaders, including Arnaldo Otegi."


This work is in the public domain


Re: Gerry Adams welcomes ETA Ceasefire
22 mar 2006

Re: Gerry Adams welcomes ETA Ceasefire
22 mar 2006
Es podria traduïr el texte, o si hem podríeu dir on el puc trovar traduït.
Re: Gerry Adams welcomes ETA Ceasefire
22 mar 2006
Aprèn anglès analfabet, que així no es pot anar pel món!!!!!
Re: Gerry Adams welcomes ETA Ceasefire
22 mar 2006
kina pota educació i respecte tents cap a una persona k demana un favor, esperu k kom tu n'hi hagin pocs, i si ets d'aquesta manera espero que no entris gaire sobint en un espai de llibertat i respecte.

ets un rajoi en potència
Re: Gerry Adams welcomes ETA Ceasefire
22 mar 2006
La Banshee

Nadie parece haberla visto; es menos una forma que un gemido que da horror a las noches de Irlanda y (según la Demonología y Hechicería de Sir Walter Scott) de las regiones montañosas de Escocia. Anuncia, al pie de las ventanas, la muerte de algún miembro de la familia. Es privilegio peculiar de ciertos linajes de pura sangre celta, sin mezcla latina, sajona o escandinava. La oyen también en Gales y en Bretaña. Pertenece a la estirpe de las hadas. Su gemido lleva el nombre de keening.

Jorge Luis Borges
24 / viii/ 1899 Buenos Aires
14 /vii/ 1986 Geneva
Sindicato Sindicat