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Prisión por copiar música
21 jun 2005
Una madre de 53 años podría ir a prisión (si no paga 4.000£) porque su hija se bajó música de Oasis de internet. ¡Impresionante!

Artículo del Guardian.,12597,1511115,00.html

A teenager's penchant for the bands Coldplay and Oasis left her mother contemplating prison yesterday.

Sylvia Price has received a demand for £4,000 in compensation by solicitors acting for the music industry after her daughter, Emily, was caught illegally downloading songs by her favourite artists.

Mrs Price, a self-confessed computer illiterate, said: "I don't know where I'm going to get the money from. I'll have to go to prison because I haven't got that kind of money."

As well as using the PC to help with her homework, 14-year-old Emily had been using file-sharing to download 1,400 songs for free.

Because of Emily's age, Mrs Price, 53, of Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, is legally responsible to pay any penalty.

A nationwide crackdown organised by the British Phonographic Industry is under way to try to stop illegal downloaders. Thousands of people use file-sharing software which allows them to swap music files, costing the music industry £1.3bn a year in lost sales. At any one time 8.5 million people across the world are file-sharing.

Earlier this month Coldplay's new album, X&Y, was leaked on to the internet a week before its European release. Other artists, including U2 and Madonna, have had to bring forward releases or offer free tracks on websites after their music appeared online before reaching the shops.

The Prices were caught in a third wave of swoops on what the BPI believes are the worst offenders.

Emily said she did not think what she was doing was wrong. "Everyone I know at school does it. I ... didn't know it was wrong," she said.

"I think I've been picked on because my computer is on all the time and people have downloaded music from my files."

Solicitors Wiggin & Co, which pursues internet pirates on behalf of record companies, said Emily had been breaking the law for two years.

Mrs Price has until July 1 to pay the BPI or face a civil action.

BPI spokesman Steve Redmond defended the tactic of targeting the parents of downloaders. He said: "If we don't demonstrate that copyright law has teeth, we're going to be out of business and countless musicians will lose their livelihood too."

This work is in the public domain


Re: Prisión por copiar música
21 jun 2005
Boicot a Oasis... a su música, a sus productos, a sus mierdas de conciertos...
Sindicato Sindicat