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Notícies :: pobles i cultures vs poder i estats
carta a bush d un poble palesti en lluita
24 mai 2005
en motiu de la propera visita d abu mazen a usa, el poble de bil in ha fet arribar aquesta carta perque l entreguin al president dels eu
President George W. Bush
The White House
Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington, DC
Bl'in, West Bank-Palestine
Monday, May 23, 2005

Dear Mr. President,
Greetings mixed with pain and agony. Greetings that refuse oppression
and discrimination. Greetings full of confidence in freedom.
Greetings from the bottom of the sea of Palestinian blood. We send
this letter to you, President of the Free World, and ask you to stand
by our side in our nonviolent struggle for justice.
We send this letter from Bil'in, a small Palestinian village that
being killed by the Wall that the entire world condemns. Located four
kilometers east of the Green Line, our 1,600 residents depend on our
ability to farm and harvest our olive trees to sustain our livelihood.
More than 2,300 dunam of 4,000 dunam of Bil'in are being taken
the construction of Israel's Wall in order to incorporate into
five settlements and one that is currently being constructed. The
settlements surrounding Bil'in consume most of the available
water in
the area, leaving very little for Bil'in residents- barely one
meter per person per month.

The Israeli court system has refused our appeals to prevent the
construction of the Wall in Bil'in. Because of this, we, along
Israeli citizens and people from around the world, have been
peacefully and nonviolently protesting the confiscation of our land,
sending a clear message that we can coexist and live in peace and
security. The Israeli occupation does not understand our peaceful
resistance and acts against us in terror.

In the past three months since we began our struggle against the
Wall, Israeli soldiers have frequently entered homes in our village.
A three month old child had to be brought to the hospital after
Israeli soldiers threw tear gas into her home. More than 120 people
have been injured and over 100 Palestinians, Israelis, and foreign
nationals have been arrested in nonviolent acts of resistance in
Bil'in. Two Palestinian men who were arrested during a peaceful
demonstration on April 28th are still being held without charge by
the Israeli authorities.
Because this injustice is so grave, the Palestinian people have lost
faith in the impartiality of the United States. We urge you, Mr.
President, to look deeper into the human, social, and economic
impacts of the Wall and the ongoing occupation of Palestinian land.
We are very proud that Abu Mazen is delivering this letter. We trust
and believe in our president's vision, courage and commitment to
peaceful solution to the conflict in our lands. It is our hope and
belief that all Palestinians can and will express resistance
nonviolently, and we ask you, Mr. President, to make a stand so that
we can achieve our freedom by peaceful means.
Sincerely yours,

The people of Bil'in

Per l altre cant'o, ahir el poble de bil in es va manifestar per les afores de la mukata ( Ramallah ) per denunciar la pasivitat de l autoritat nacional palestina en aquest asumpte, on, amb rafegues de matralla a l aire per part de la policia palestina incloses, van ser reprimits durament. Tot i aixo, encara que van haver ferits no van haver detencions.

This work is in the public domain
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