Notícies :: corrupció i poder : xarxa i llibertat : dones |
sexisme i violencia al videojoc "hunting for bambi": boikot
per dona |
23 mar 2005
Es tracta d'un joc tipus safari en
el que uns caçadors homes cacen a dones nues. escriu i demana que retiren el joc, o lo que consideres oportu. |
el joc :
de la seva web :
Men Hunting Naked Women.
It's About F**k'n Time!
That's Right Bitch.....
It's Hunting Season!
Hey avid hunters, outdoorsmen, and sports fans, it's Bambi Bob. You know what my species is - Bambis. There are millions of us that get popped, skinned, and mounted every hunting season.
We've made a deal, actually a historical truce, with Team Bambi™. They've decided to hunt naked women, instead of the original Bambi population (deer).
Guys would rather see naked women running around the woods, with their beautiful, voluptuous "racks" jiggling all over, versus a hairy, four-legged deer anyways, right?
Let's face it. For those of you that have a wife, girlfriend, significant other, even an ex-wife, or ex-girlfriend (you get the point) or some other Bambi Bitch that has done you wrong in the past, nagged you to death over the stupidest things, complained and whined that you didn't spend enough time with her, didn't take out the garbage, yada, yada, yada.......(continued below) |
This work is in the public domain |
Re: sexisme i violencia al videojoc "hunting for bambi": boikot
per dona |
23 mar 2005
el seu email : resell03 ARROBA huntingforbambi.com |
Re: sexisme i violencia al videojoc "hunting for bambi": boikot
per home |
24 mar 2005
El pitjor de tot és que no és un videojoc es un joc real... |
Re: sexisme i violencia al videojoc "hunting for bambi": boikot
per Jaume |
24 mar 2005
No es real ( almenos esa web no ). Se trata de una broma que se colo hace un par de años en todos los medios.
Más info :
Otra cosa es que esa broma tenga gracia. Almenos para mí no, no se que o quien se pretendían reir, pero una cosa es el sentido del humor y otra el mal gusto, pero vaya, no voy a ser yo quien censure nada. |