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hackers put bush in power
10 mar 2005
The missus of failed democrat presidential candidate John Kerry, Teresa has told the Seattle Post-Intelligencer that she thinks that the only reason her husband lost to George Bush was because of hackers.

Mrs Kerry is still skeptical about George Bush's victory some four months after her husband lost. She questionings the legitimacy of the optical scanners used in some states to record votes.
She said most of the machines used were owned by two brothers who were hard-right republicans. Kerry said that it was "very easy to hack into the mother machines and urged Democrats to push for accountability and transparency.

She said: "We in the United States are not a banana republic. I fear for [the mid-term elections in 2006. I don't trust it the way it is right now."

From "hackers put bush in power. mrs kerry’s claim." march 10, 2005

This work is in the public domain


gobierno estudia la aplicación del voto electrónico real
10 mar 2005
Tras la satisfactoria prueba piloto del 20-F, se considera prioritaria la participación de los ciudadanos a través de las Nuevas Tecnologías para apuntalar la e-democracia.

El ministro de Interior, José Antonio Alonso, ha anunciado en la sesión de control del Senado que su departamento ha puesto en marcha una comisión técnica de evaluación para la implantación del voto por Internet, a la luz de los "satisfactorios" resultados de la prueba piloto que se realizó en municipios de las 52 provincias españolas en el referéndum de la Constitución europea del pasado 20 de febrero, sobre todo cuando además "se ha dado un paso importante para implantar las Nuevas Tecnologías facilitando el ejercicio al derecho de sufragio".
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