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Mani contra Putin, Cheney y Katsav en Cracovia
26 gen 2005
No para los matadores!
26-01-2005 15:46
Police blocked access to the Adam Mickiewicz statue, where at 16:00 the demonstration against the war criminals' Putin, Katsav and Cheney presence at the anniversary of the freeing of the Auschwitz concentration camp was supposed to start.

There were about 20 police vans and water cannon - which could be a great attraction given the -2 degree (Celsius) (28 deg F) temperature and falling snow.

Some of the demonstrators (as of 15:46) were standing near the Mariacki Church The church authorities closed the main entrance. There were (as of 15:46) no reports on arrests. Police limited themselves to checking people's identities
26-01-2005 16:28 This post will be udpated as we get more info. A few minutes after 16:00 in the Krakow main square, the protests against the visits to Auschwitz by the national leaders responsible for war crimes started. For a dozen or so minutes there has been a speech by representatives of the Free Caucasus Committee (Komitetu Wolny Kaukaz).

Demonstrators significantly outnumbered by the forces "of order". Around the speakers there are about 100 people. Around the groups of people from various cities, who were able to make it to the demonstration from Mariacki Church shouting pro-chechnya slogans are being hassled by about 50 fully armed police. Nobody is able to get out of the trap. Two people were "pacified" - police pulled one person from the group being hassled, they hit his fingers and put him in a car. The second person was unarrested by the rest of the group.

The "free" demonstrators are yelling "rzd na front" - "Send the government to the front!"

We're waiting for updates en imc Polonia.

This work is in the public domain


Re: Mani contra Putin, Cheney y Katsav en Cracovia
26 gen 2005
16.40 Police used brutal force against the peaceful protest. There are witnesses to police beating up 5 people.

16.50 Two more people detained. Police said there was an offence made against the head of the Russian State. People are being taken to the komisariat at ul. Siemiradzkiego: Central Police Station (Kierownictwo) 31-137 Kraków ul. Siemiradzkiego 24 tel (+48 12) 615-26-00 - fax (+48 12) 615-26-07

17.15 25 people detained.

17.44 Total is now 26 people detained.

17.47 People detained by police have been thrown into a puddle of water and so now have wet clothes. People have been kicked in the genitals and have had their hair (dreadlocks) pulled by police. Police threw two women to the ground and put their knees on the women's backs.
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