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60 aniversario de la Liberación de Auschwitz
24 gen 2005
Declaración por escrito sobre el 60° aniversario de la liberación del campo de Auschwitz-Birkenau





Presentada de conformidad con el artículo 116 del Reglamento por Dariusz Rosati y Boguslaw Sonik sobre el 60° aniversario de la liberación del campo de Auschwitz-Birkenau

Fecha en que caducará: 15.3.2005


Declaración por escrito sobre el 60° aniversario de la liberación del campo de Auschwitz-Birkenau

El Parlamento Europeo ,

– Visto el artículo 116 de su Reglamento,

A. Considerando que el 27 de enero de 1945, hace hoy sesenta años, fue liberado el mayor campo de exterminio nazi, Auschwitz-Birkenau, levantado por los alemanes en las inmediaciones de Oswiecim en mayo de 1940,

B. Considerando que en Auschwitz-Birkenau se cometieron los mayores crímenes en la historia de la humanidad; que de manera sistemática y con premeditación fueron asesinados miles de judíos, polacos, rusos, gitanos, rumanos, húngaros, checos, eslovacos y presos de otras nacionalidades; que en el período comprendido entre 1942 y 1944 el campo se convirtió en lugar de genocidio de los judíos europeos en el marco del plan de Hitler para el exterminio de este pueblo; que los presos recluidos en el campo murieron fusilados, gaseados o como consecuencia del hambre, de las enfermedades y de experimentos médicos; que el número total de víctimas se calcula en 1,5 millones de personas,

C. Considerando que Europa no debe olvidar su propia historia; que los campos de concentración y de exterminio construidos por los nazis alemanes constituyen una de las páginas más terribles y vergonzosas de la historia de nuestro continente; que los crímenes de Auschwitz deben permanecer en la memoria de las futuras generaciones como advertencia contra un genocidio que hunde sus raíces en el desprecio por el ser humano, el odio, el antisemitismo, el racismo y el totalitarismo,

D. Considerando que Europa debe plantar cara a todo intento de falseamiento de la historia; que se están difundiendo ideas revisionistas que cuestionan los crímenes cometidos por los nazis; que se está intentando asimismo trasladar la responsabilidad de los citados crímenes a otras naciones y presentar a las víctimas como verdugos,

1. Rinde homenaje a todos aquellos que perecieron víctimas de los verdugos de Hitler;

2. Insiste en que la memoria histórica es el fundamento de la reconciliación y de la paz duradera en Europa;

3. Rechaza y condena las ideas revisionistas por indignas y contrarias a la verdad histórica;

4. Encarga a su Presidente que transmita la presente Declaración, acompañada del nombre de los firmantes, a los Parlamentos de los Estados miembros.

*Fuente : Documentos oficiales del Parlamento Europeo, 15.12.2004

This work is in the public domain


Re: 60 aniversario de la Liberación de Auschwitz
24 gen 2005
esperem q es faci el mateix amb les victimes de sharon...
Re: 60 aniversario de la Liberación de Auschwitz
24 gen 2005
Separemos las cosas. La Memoria Histórica del Holocausto es la memoria histórica del antisemitismo, la verguenza de aquella unión reaccionaria de cristianismo y capitalismo extremos. Recordar con franqueza aquello no es un acto banal, porque fue el horror más tremendo que han conocido las tierras de este planeta. Un conjunto de leyes explícitamente asesinas, inducidas por jueces que querían asesinar explícitamente y unos "políticos" que querían extender esa "ley" a todo el orbe.

Como dijo Berthold BRecht:

"Heus aquí el que ha estat a punt de dominar el món; els pobles, però, han tingut la última paraula. De toda manera, que ningú canti victòria fora de temps, perque el ventre d'on sorgí la bèstia inmunda encara és fecund".
Re: 60 aniversario de la Liberación de Auschwitz
24 gen 2005
Creo que las víctima que quedan vivas, que quedarán pocas... seguro que no apoyan lo de Sharon. Entiendo tu comentario, pero son dos cosas diferentes me entiendes.
Re: 60 aniversario de la Liberación de Auschwitz
24 gen 2005
la estupidez te vence Imagination Resist@nce , BUUURRO
Hoy el nazismo es esto , pero agraciadamente ya no nos dejamos matar
24 gen 2005
Y eso a los stalinistas y nazis de medio pelo , e incluso al Eropeito común le duele un montón. Ya no hay judíos que bajen la cabeza
"I won't lie down and take the insults"
25 gen 2005
"I won't lie down and take the insults"
"Not only does the '6 Million' figure become more untenable but the numbers of the Holocaust industry are rapidly approaching those of Holocaust deniers."
The Holocaust Industry, page 127
NORMAN Finkelstein is the nearest you can get to a Jewish heretic. He is a Jew but an anti-Zionist; the son of Holocaust survivors but a ceaseless critic of what he terms "the Holocaust industry"; a left-wing historian whose views are often praised by revisionist right-wingers such as David Irving.
He is a pugilist by inclination, never missing an opportunity to fire insults at his enemies among Jewish organisations in the US and Israel.
They, it must be said, are not slow to respond in kind. Insults flew within minutes when Finkelstein appeared recently with an Israeli government spokesman on RTE Radio 1's Morning Ireland, and Cathal Mac Coille, the presenter, had to call the two off each other and beg for calm. "You're supposed to lie down and take the insults, and I'm not going to do it," Finkelstein says. "The level of arrogance of these people just boggles the mind."
He believes Jewish organisations are "huckstering" the Holocaust by extracting huge sums in compensation that never get to the survivors. "What they have done, by turning the central tragedy of Jews in the 20th century into a weapon for shaking down people for money is pretty disgusting; it's wretched." He denounces some of the campaigns for reparations against Swiss banks and claims that more than $20 billion (E17.5 billion) has been collected in compensation claims arising from the Holocaust.
Because he is Jewish, Finkelstein gets away with the kind of language others would never be allowed to use. He accuses Jewish organisations, for example, of conducting themselves "like a caricature from Der Sturmer", the notorious Jew-baiting magazine of the Nazis [see samples on the right]. He repeatedly refers to the organisations as "crooks" and has even called Elie Wiesel, the Holocaust survivor who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986, the "resident clown" of the Holocaust circus.
The roots of his anger lie in his parents' experience. Finkelstein's father survived the Warsaw ghetto and Auschwitz concentration camp; his mother lived in the ghetto and ended up in Majdanek camp. He describes both as confirmed atheists.
His father received compensation from the German government. "I still remember the blue envelopes that came in every month. At the end of his life he was getting $600 a month, or a grand total of about $250,000. Even though there was no love lost between my father and the Germans - he hated them all - there was never any complaint about the money. The Germans were always very competent and efficient."
In contrast, his mother's compensation was channelled through American Jewish organisations. "Even though they went through the same experiences, she got a grand total of $3,000 and no pension. That's what you get from Jewish organisations."
THE line he takes on the Israel-Palestine conflict is similarly controversial, at least within his community. "A colossal wrong has been inflicted on the Palestinians, and no amount of rationalisation can justify that. There are possibilities for peace, but the Israeli elite won't allow them to happen."
Finkelstein's latest book, a second edition of Image And Reality Of The Israel-Palestine Conflict, is a scholarly attempt to undermine the popular image of Israel and its dispute with the Palestinians. He situates the creation of Israel firmly in the colonial tradition and seeks to debunk writers who claim the Palestinians never existed historically.
He compares Israel's treatment of the Palestinians to apartheid South Africa's attitude to its blacks or US settlers' view of native Americans.
"All these settlers used the same language. What was left out of the picture was that there were people living there before they arrived. We were told there was a wilderness, that it was virgin land and that every once in a while there were these savages, slightly above the level of the fauna, who would attack the settlers."
A New Yorker by birth, Finkelstein admits he has very little direct experience of Israel, although he has visited the occupied territories more than 20 times. "When I'm there no one even cares less that I'm Jewish. In the first year I was a novelty; by the third or fourth it was just, hey, Norman's back."
So is he, along with other solidarity workers who spend time with Palestinians but enjoy freedom of speech and personal security back home in the West, just a meddler? "I don't want to be there. I'm a complete coward. My hat comes off to those young people who work in difficult circumstances, who help Palestinians dig a well or who come to aid of people who are being shot at. If that's meddling, I say we need a lot more meddling in the world."
Asked if Israel can be considered a democracy, he responds: "Was South Africa a democracy in the old days? It was a democracy for whites, for the 'superior people'. Similarly, Israel, for the larger part of its history, has been a society where half the population has all the rights and half the population has none."
But what about the democratic rights of Palestinians under Yasser Arafat? "How can you have a democracy under occupation? People there have no rights without the approval of Israel. How democratic is Alcatraz? Or a concentration camp?"
There is a solution, he insists. "I don't think the way out is so complicated. People constantly try to shroud the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in all kinds of mystification. They say it's about ancient enmities, it's about the Bible or religion or it's about the clash of cultures. But when you go to live there you see it's not complicated at all. The fact is that there's a military occupation, and that has to end." And then what? "Then you hope Palestinians and Israelis will live together in peace."
Although Finkelstein enjoys the security of being a US citizen, he has paid a price for his views. His four books have been popular successes in Europe - The Holocaust Industry sold 130,000 copies in Germany in three weeks - but in the US he has been shunned and his books have been savaged.
The New York Times, he once commented, gave a more hostile review to The Holocaust Industry than it did to Hitler's Mein Kampf. This clearly rankled, and he returns to it. "I don't want to play the martyr, but if you look at my history I didn't make out so well. I didn't get the headlines. I'm in exile in [DePaul University in] Chicago because I was thrown out of every [university] school in New York.
"I'm not happy to be in Chicago. I want to be at home. That's why I keep an apartment there. I'm still praying for a miracle. I've had a hard time."
Re: 60 aniversario de la Liberación de Auschwitz
25 gen 2005
Es una burrada comparar el antisemitismo y el holocausto con la represión de Sharon sobre los palestinos.
El holocausto pretendía el exterminio biológico de todos los judíos, que no quedase vivo ni uno solo. Sharon no se ha planteado jamás el exterminio de los palestinos, lo que pretende es arrebatarles la mayor cantidad posible de tierras. Por malo que nos pueda parecer eso, hay una diferencia muy grande que no admite comparaciones.
Re: 60 aniversario de la Liberación de Auschwitz
27 gen 2005
Sea lo que sea comparable o no, tanto el exterminio de los judios y de otras personas de nuestro planeta en Auschwitz, lo que esta haciendo Sharon con los Palestinos e incluso la masacre que esta cometiendo Estados Unidos en Irak son cosas que no debemos permitir que sucedan, pues decimos ser la especie más racional del planeta y somos tan irracionales que nos aniquilarnos entre nosotros mismos.
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