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Notícies :: globalització neoliberal
Berlin, Anticolonial Conference Thursday
12 nov 2004
A few Impressionen from the first day of the conference.

On Thursday afternoon gave it after the greetings to that conference participant inside a panel discussion about crime of colonizing, in their center the genocide at Herero and Nama in Namibia and their fight for apology and remuneration, which until today persists.

In the evening in a lecture with film cutouts and photos anti-colonial and anti-racistic protests in the student movement/motion of the 60's were presented.
From the inaugural address in the context of the greetings conference participant inside of Christopher of the Nsoh:
"RK the end to OF this conference incoming goods wants convincingly make our demands that incoming goods wants PUT pressure on the European governments tons accept the responsibility that colonisation impacted most OF the sufferings on the African continent and people today."

A few impressions of the opening meeting "crime of colonizing", panel discussion with Luther Zaire; Israel Kaunatjike, Berlin; Joachim Zeller, Berlin; Antoine Fotso.
(thank you to the Mitschreiberin)

At the beginning of the meeting one put out the representative of the conference of anti-colonial on the podium clearly:
"we want explicitly the fact that the conference refers political positions and these also publicly represents [? ] our principal claims is: Apology and remuneration for colonialism and slavery. From our side agreement exists that both must be carried out."

Joachim Zeller, historian from Berlin, placed the example Namibia into the center, in order to support the demands, because "the origins of totalitarian rule are in Namibia too suchen." the colonial policy were there the attempt of total control of the entire population. It concerned control and enslavement. And in the murder at the Hereros around the destruction of a whole group of people. In the long run from historical perspective a harbinger of later German destruction politics.

"since 1990 the Herero already requires of the German government compensation. The policy does not show interest?, summarizes Luther Zaire to today unsuccessful fights of the Herero for their rights. Thereby particularly the German colonial power goes to the Hereros as genocide around the acknowledgment of the crimes. With reference to at that time not yet valid international law the government of the German Federal Republic rejects a responsibility."

Antoine Fotso, representative of the conference of anti-colonial formulates, the central demands most compressed:
"1. All European countries, which made colonizing in Africa, must ask publicly and officially the colonized countries for apology.
2. If we speak of apologies, we do not talk about money. We demand the decree of our debts. An important part of the European wealth is based on the exploitation of the African continent. We demand in addition the free entry of all African to Europe, as European inside also without entry permit to Africa came.
Why don't we have the right to move us freely?
This politics of cutting the freedom of movement have its roots in 19. Jhd.
We have so many demands that I would like to rather break off here and area the discussion wants to give."

And it actually comes in the following one to one moves, continuous discussion around the historical meaning of the colonialism, the Tabuisierung within the context of the German Federal Republic and their topicality. It concerns demands continuities and breaks and again and again to formulate together.

Some further statements during the discussion:

Christopher Nsoh for the evaluation of the own requests:
"This is A movement and emergency A campaign." It concerns to create a social consciousness for the history of the colonialism and particularly for continuities of the colonialism. And this beyond a kurzweiliges political project.

Another participant:
"the demand for apology and remuneration is important. In addition, the demand should be called: STOP of all further Kolonisation everywhere in the world!"

This extended imperialism-critical perspective was supported by many present ones. To what extent this perspective will be present in the next days of the conference, remains being waiting. It concerns to bring up for discussion nevertheless in one perhaps first to step of Germany colonial history in Africa at all and bring into public consciousness. Not least with a clear support of the demands for apology and remuneration.
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