Notícies :: antifeixisme |
New Recruit
per Johnny Wizard |
23 set 2004
Destroying enemy bushite is a gift to Humanity, it is
saying you care for the lives of the innocent a bush
bitch nazi grunt freely confesses to targeting for
murder. Liars are the bushite, who steal Iraqi
resources, allow racists and rapists to commit their
demon crimes in America's name un-challenged, and who
absent mindedly bomb the innocent without just reason
given. |
New Recruit
Destroying enemy bushite is a gift to Humanity, it is
saying you care for the lives of the innocent a bush
bitch nazi grunt freely confesses to targeting for
murder. Liars are the bushite, who steal Iraqi
resources, allow racists and rapists to commit their
demon crimes in America's name un-challenged, and who
absent mindedly bomb the innocent without just reason
given. All the while, labeling themselves, "pro-Iraqi".
The mindlessly evil attack against the Turks recently
with an ordered bombing campaign that actually murdered
people, sighted yet another, example of the bushite's
idiotic ungodly satanic barbarity against us the Humans
as INNOCENT. After the carnage, the war criminalizing
America into bushite commanders were advised, it would
be better to pick other completely innocent families to
indiscriminately murder while lying, for the demon
bushite provisions come through that big ol' Turkey, and
if the Middle Easterners eventually learned together of
their fellow Turks who were murdered by ungodly enemy
nazi forces for admittingly doing nothing worth noting,
with the middle east's indirect help with essential
supplies coming from somewhere in that surrounding
billion man vicinity, you know, I know, we all know,
"Americans" as NAZI war criminal enemy bushite, would
massively die as the immediately recognizable to most
everyone, and rightly too as leaderless cowardly, dumb,
and real sadistic evil, dying at the hands of all US
Family men. Being as bushite, the enemies to everyone,
including themselves we've witnessed them already dying
as nazi dumfuks who eat plutonium. Or, IED? They mean
"sexy" rummy cluster dud land mine more like! (Just
where is the Middle of East anyway?) History HAS learned
these lessons already, while the corporatist bushite
plays US just dumb enough through malicious censorship
for plunder by parasitic bushite suicide, for a bushite
has no soul worth defending. See?, the committed nazi
automaton bushite enemy of America soldier has no mind
to know freedom for the individual. Therefor my friend,
kill the evil nazi George W. bush Jr. not just for me
as Johnny, but for US all man who refuse to be subjected
further as only counted by the corporate dictums to
pronounce "pro-American": as those that go silently
rooted backing "un-accountable" rapists and torturers of
the innocent, the innocent, that the bushite OPENLY rob
from with American's hard earned tax dollars funding.
Funding through leadership directed towards their very
own self destruction. See bushite, kill bushite, at
least until we are granted living access to OUR
corporate dead end news media to speak FREELY for
ourselves without bushite lies tying US down for
furthering that demon's hellish ungodly tyranny as an
enemy to all our Humanity and Royal King Johnny.
Real Americans are those of US as humanity that believe
in liberty as Justice for all. Demon bushite nazi
whores, don't like those principles of freedom through
evidentiary findings though, for their false deity,
George W. bush Jr, wouldn't be stealing from the honest
hard working blokes who live for a better day that way.
The Iraqi children did nothing to deserve such awful
suffering and fright and death at the hands of the enemy
bushite. The bushite: who the demon anti-Christ
states, are un-accountable to any rules of law in this
Universe, like with his extremely foolish criminal
decree, 13303. I kill mindless parasite bushite nazi
enemy soldiers just for that alone as eternal defender,
and I do it for to win some mercy for a real living God,
who the fascist enemy bushite hold in their ungodly
contempt as LIARS.
I have the backing of every real man alive on this
planet, and we all know it. No voices of reason have
apposed my factual claims in FREE Usenet, and Art Bell
makes no attempt to defend himself as internationally
painted enemy traitor, and that says a whole lot to Talk
America. Why? Because Mr. Bell, the bushite
propagandist, knows too, I speak and act truthfully,
honorably, and righteously, while the talk radio
american bushite lies, cheats and steals from America's
America, that as bushite, leave undefended for criminal
plunder in Your name call censored from classed
enrollment. You have just as much a right to be here as
I do, and the demon bush, he ain't no better than any of
US when he is "excused" for the murder of well more than
a hundred thousand confessed as completely innocent
people on this planet called Earth.
The fascist control bushite, don't like You to think
independently for Yourself, for we independents out here
make them look as stupid as they are. Thank you very
much for that not so secret info.
Through the pronounced bush demon's gaffes,
embarrassments, and told complete total ignorance on
subjects like the science of economics, the whys of
constitutional law, or when the bushite takes credit for
indiscriminate killing of our families and friends while
parading it's all done in bush's name for our freedom,
or for 9/11, doesn't fool me, and should get you
thinking about reaching for your guns too, for bushite
rapists and torturers will not walk this world freely
un-accountable, for as long as we remain alive to hunt
them down and kill them if so be. As the soulless
disciples of the enemy anti-Christ, Our Mr. bush Jr.,
their "officially" granted legal immunity from all
prosecution means nothing to me as a honorable man
defending my humanity, or as living Creator, who brought
all into this new world to be free, and can just as
soon, take you all nazi bushite out the old school way.
REMEMBER: Demon bush is stupid, yaw, but he knows that
he and rumsfeld with condi planned and carried out the
crimes of 9/11 with likely cheney orchestrating, don't
ever forget that part when attempting assessment how
good four more years in going to do for the state of
freedom in Your dying world. Serious this situation
truly is for everyone. Everyone.
Now, what are You going to do about this, DEMON George
W. bush Jr. actually playing US like he would like to
continue victimizing our dying world as ENEMY for four
more years towards furthering lawless tyranny? Don't we
already have it bad enough, that corporate journalists
think there is actually some merit to George bush's
re-election bid? Especially after that 9/11 thang?
Then there is the needless criminal wars, fraught with
embarrassing massive billion dollar criminal frauds as
.oops, more government fuk ups? Then of course all the
bushite thefts. I did a Internet Google search of
"Tiger Team" and I found next to nothing in all the
professional media corporate news outlets we have
advertising on our information service providers top
notched list as best sourced material. And that should
say as much or more to you too, about who's really
conning who. So, who cares about where this world is
going? I do, and so should you too.
Johnny Wizard
/ / The demon bush's life, isn't worth the sacrifice he
makes of our opinions on Liberty, or our children's
future. \ \
/ / The local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam
reported that the American aircraft dumped more than 14
massive anti-personnel container bombs as well as napalm
on the rural community. \ \
/ / "I find it so difficult to believe what happened to
my daughter. She was at school, just carrying her
notebook not a gun. What is my daughter - nine years
old - guilty of that she has to be shot? It's state
terror against the whole population." \ \
/ / "They came to Iraq to kill, destroy and strip its resources.
Where is the UN Security Council?" Sheikh Ghaffur asked. \ \
Exactly what I've been asking for years partner.
Annan refuses to speak as a man.
/ / "We shouldn't be here," said one Marine infantryman
bluntly. "There was no reason for invading this country
in the first place. We just came here and [angered
people] and killed a lot of innocent people," said the
marine, who has seen regular combat in Ramadi. "I don't
enjoy killing women and children, it's not my thing." To
the mounting horror of the world, the United States of
America is relentlessly bringing about the systematic
destruction of a small, unthreatening nation for no good
reason. \ \
/ / The decision by the mainstream television news media
to get into bed with the very entities they are supposed
to stand watchdog against has been a mortal one. Once
it becomes acceptable to get your reporting from Defense
Department and military spin-doctors, without doing any
work on your own, the game is over. \ \
/ / Reuters said Can-West newspapers have been altering
words and phrases in its stories dealing with the war on
Iraq and the conflict in Palestine. \ \
/ / "Fifty million people have been liberated from
despotic, totalitarian regimes in Afghanistan and Iraq," \ \
/ / Gamble, who at age 51 is a 33-year veteran of the
Guard, said he is not worried about putting an already
stressed unit into the cauldron of Iraq duty. "I
haven't ever been deployed before, myself," \ \
/ / Alazawi says that US guards left her sitting on the
chair overnight, and that the next day they took her to
a room known by detainees as "the torturing place".
"The US officer told us: 'If you don't confess we will
torture you. So you have to confess.' \ \
Middle ages of horror. I'm telling you, see proud
bushite nazi dumfuk nazi grunt whore, kill enemy of God
bushite nazi dumfuk nazi grunt whore.
A True Patriot Warrior
/ / Bush personally and Blair through his Downing Street
press officer yesterday continued to insist that the
case for war was legal. If Blair is so sure of this, it
is time for him to publish the legal advice he received
at the time from the attorney general in its entirety so
that people can judge for themselves. \ \
It's like, we people are portrayed to believe bush and
blair are simply un-aware of the facts, like our well
documented history, when they say, Iraq and Afghanistan
are now liberated, and that they war our Humanity in
God's name with mindless bush bitches for just causes.
They just can't allow any one of US to publicly ask:
what was the just cause, if the demon bush had complete
unrestricted, one hundred percent access throughout Iraq
prior to the conflict beginning?, following - that the
unjustified war has only done what could be expected:
LOWERED our ability to do any good. (What couldn't be
done before the war began but for the rob and pillaging
innocent pro-Iraqis part?) If liberation is going to
begin in Iraq, the first step needs to be backwards by
recognizing the indiscriminate murder of more than a
hundred thousand PEACEFUL innocent people by the likes
of a buford blount with land mines and radio-active
toxic waste was stupid, wrong and evil to all of our
Humanity concerned without any contention; but for by
the silencing all powerful CULT corporate news
censorship. Along with the torturing, raping, and
subsequent stealing of almost all Iraqi assets for
thomas foley, negroponte and cheney's gang as the demon
bush's war profitizing business partners, is again,
anything but a depiction of the weakness and cowardice
of the dying American soldiers, as too illiterate and
decrepit to hunt down and kill the enemy bushite
traitors for TREASON. For negroponte to suggest, that
the Iraqi money, be even further pilfered unwisely to
bring even more hardships to the Iraq people who
desperately need immediate sewage and water treatment
facilities fixed from the continuing bombing campaigns,
done all so oil production can be increased, brings
gains only to protecting evil enemy negroponte, not for
the safety of the dumfuk bushite nazi grunt, nor, the
Iraqi People who have suffered far too much already at
America's inaction at hunting to kill bush and rumsfeld
for 9/11 back in New York City. How hard can it be for
an American to sneak onto American talk radio, to call
the demon bush and cheney as they is?, traitors and
enemy of crazy mad man King of the World Johnny and
"his" America? Just who does that Johnny Wizard think
he is anyway, saying he's going to kill un-arrrested
bush and rumsfeld for high treason, with practically
every police agency stuck behind him publicly, for the
evidence speaks for ourselves unequivocally. Who?
/ / Senator Chuck Hagel, a Nebraska Republican described
the rebuilding effort in Iraq so far as "beyond
pitiful". "It's beyond embarrassing, it's now in the
zone of dangerous," he said. \ \
Exactly what negroponte wants, to take more from America
in blood and treasure, by helping to do nothing but
furthering rape and pillage. Why help America and Iraq,
if it means, negroponte and others can't lawlessly steal
all they can by the sacrifice of our boy's lives for
evil bushite tyranny? Besides, CNN and CBC aren't going
to report on the facts to let ourselves decide who is
paying to die for who. (Why should they work freely for
our Humanity?) As I said, I'm sorta like timid Christ as
the Son of Man but surprising few, I actually fight back
as a family man to destroy my enemies, the bushite nazi
vermin., and, honest true Republicans, (fiscal
conservatives who believe in government restraint who
have many a legitimate gripe regarding government
swindles like corporate welfare, or free health care
druggies taxing the system), find also, the bush junta's
assault against all our better judgements, a show of
contempt for everything decent and just in this world.
Leaving the news corporatist professional journalists,
STILL happily broadcasting themselves more and more
mentally disturbed as failing alone by the day to
foolishly continue figuring, we'd never be without them
saying what we see on our own magic TVs. Here come's
the powerload, Johnny Wizard prime timed!!! Whoah... I
know I am to go soon, I can see it coming up upon this
next new moon! Look out boys and girls, here comes your
daddy from a future episode!
/ / Mr. Powell said the Constitution gives the United
States the right to act in its own self-defense without
U.N. approval, but argued that the Iraq war itself was
justified by Saddam's "material breach" of a string of
earlier U.N. resolutions on his weapons programs. \ \
Is Mr. Powell referring to the material breach when
bush told us REPEATEDLY as the corporately unchallenged,
that Saddam wouldn't let inspectors into the country,
/ / claiming that the United States went to war because
Saddam wouldn't let inspectors in; the media has treated
this as not really a lie because it's so obviously
untrue. \ \
and that was why he sent out thoughtless American bush
bitched teens into harms way, dying only to profit his
"sly" over billing criminal cohorts by blatantly,
without defense, lying and cheating the American People
payers due to our corporate news acquiescence on the
subject matters? Too "embarrassing" for the bushite CNN
and CBC corporate bosses would say if you phoned them
personally Yourself and asked why they have refused to
allow the reporting of lies they have no problem
broadcasting "un-opinionated." General Ahmad? No.
Kamel? No. WMD burned beyond recognition? No. Evil
bushite rapists of children and murderers of the
innocent deemed un-arrestable in demon bush's secret
name as the anti-Christ enemy of Man and God? No, NOT
NEWS WORTHY. Mr. cheney running a "secret" don't stop
the flying highjacked planes plan on 9/11 just
coincidentally coinciding with condi's documented
"Presidential" directive: don't follow up coming
terrorist offences as crime scene leads to insure
invasion of Afghanistan for American pension thieving
Enron plan? We shall see.. Let the truth set US free,
by helping God out here some pal. I'm larger than life,
sure, a god without doubt, but I can only do so much for
myself, you have to put a little effort into this saving
your soul bit, if you want true freedom for yourelf
also. These next Revelations should be front and center
on our TV news agenda, regarding the political state of
our dying world?, no or yes?
/ / Cheney's command superceded the orders of the
Pentagon, the FAA or the White House. He is the number
one suspect in the murder of nearly 3,000 innocent
people. \ \
/ / The dark heart of this black-op beast is the
"Special-Access Program," created by Bush and Rumsfeld
in late 2001 and sent forth with this sinister dictum,
according to top intelligence officials: "Grab whom you
must. Do what you want." \ \
Goodbye for now, and, good luck to You our true Patriot
Warrior, for, you are granted all this world can afford
to help defeating the enemy bushite hiding behind our
glorious flag of freedom,
Your King,
Johnny Wizard
Inside Out
How can those who want accountability be termed
anti-Iraqi? only through cowardly liars, is an American
told America's not going to hunt down those who stole in
their names for dying.
/ / "Few have though, as the town is still without
electricity or water and full of unexploded bombs, our
sources there tell us." \ \
So,... now.... who's gonna pay?
Innocent people were murdered in cold blood, and some
body in there is hiding behind an American uniform with
faulty decision making power, that has got to be weeded
out and chastised repeatedly. Lest, more American
soldiers die as cowards. See?, by not doing so, the
world sees the criminal force of savage nazi grunts,
lead leaderlessly as criminal bushite, who are so weak
apparently, and depraved pychologically, they look to
George W. Bush Jr. blindly for everything. For,
bush'll do all their beliefing for them, they don't even
have to try to understand the reasons for fighting as
freedom's struggle, or why an "American" newly wealthed
wahhabbi commander would order the murder of innocent
people; profitting only those who will cash in on the
subsequent enemy kills, that would surely, as planned,
come around naturally against those wearing the same
tarnished uniform?
I mean come on, I ask again to the truly dying as conned
American soldier: what real man or women, of any
nationality or religion, wouldn't try to defend
themselves from a war criminal that enjoys working to
bring suffering against our great God, fighting against
freedom for tyranny?, leaving America "helpless" at the
hands of the enemy bushites in our "official" command?
How can those who want accountability be termed
anti-Iraqi? only through cowardly liars, is an American
told America's not doing to hunt down those who stole in
their names for dying. If your commander doesn't
publicly support the arrest of the known bushite rapists
and tortures criming in America's good name, taking
photos and everything, especially of the confessed
already against complete innocents, kill him or her
until something like a hero becomes incharged. If a
commander can't help the American soldier from being
needlessly killed as worthless so the bush backing
billionaires away from it all can celebrate making the
killing half a world away in the lap of our luxuries, we
need seriously to talk about a shake-up in taking down
the American bush Administration back on the home front.
Look, as this world's top cop, rare can a person
understand my writing as such, but this, I'll make
I'm here to arrest or kill bush and rumsfeld for 9/11.
If you can't as a man or woman of America help get those
with the law who have stolen America's good name in
other districts, so be it, to hell with you all. We,
the America I dream about all alone, want bush and
rumsfeld for 9/11, and we ain't going nowhere until our
freedom to say as much is granted on higher ground.
Billions upon billions of dollars have been stolen from
soon to have once been, millions of American pensioners.
Now, corporate news TV tells US, that money is lost to
political indifference of the status quo getting to the
bottom of rising back up with the stolen cash at hand,
as if like, pulling a bunny rabbit out of your hat they
might say.. Stolen Enron money for example: It's
sitting in the Cayman Islands. Not hidden. In the
Cayman Islands. The hypnotizing, sometimes devilishly
clever billionaire bushite bankers will say, if you dare
quest for further inquiry, "America will learn better
for next time", then they pause, and look right back at
you blindly.... waiting... and by golly, as if by
magic, You just need to tell them: "there is always a
first time for miracles". Solved. Our problems seem
mostly related to the struggle, that solving many most
critical of our issues, requires so little in effort by
understanding, that many in the corporate world think
the nature of truth just can't be so. Well... Simple.
Demon bush doesn't want, [or seem at all interested] to
having arrested General Ahmad, who according to the FBI,
was the principle terrorist funder to the mastermind
ring leader Mohammed Atta of the notorious 9/11 blame
game fame. That should be all you need to know. The
failure to con US into thinking otherwise is a ruse.
The bushite corporatists mislead America away from the
freedom principles of following a criminal case to
attempt bringing about a resolution. Getting
those who done did do America wrong on 9/11 is where
true Patriots stand, and forever will. General Ahmad
and his bushmob cohorts need to be nabbed for public
trial when we're talking about truly fighting back those
that struck at the heart of America when they thought we
weren't looking in all directions. The bushite soldiers
are being led instead furthering as war criminals, for
we're told, they have no interest as the well being of
family and friends who love them back home getting the
wrong impressions. Don't let the bushite stand to get
away stealing for Uncle Sam. Because, Uncle Sam
wouldn't do that to our boys. Even to men who never
lost the dreams of a boy trying to be a good man, a
honorable and brave man, and a man that could be loved,
is no stranger to another believing in that same vision.
America is not what bushite dares continuing to threaten
US with. And so too would you, to with pride say
without hesitation, we need to support our American
police services by pressing to have arrested, bush,
condi, and rumsfeld for the crimes of 9/11, like right
now just for starters. Look, if we had/have open
communications on the war controversy, we'd hear those
stories: "Well, gee, he was such great guy before the
war left him for dead", and we'd also hear of the
others, "Yah, our demon leader used to like blowing up
defenseless small animals for his joy and amusement, at
least he did while he was growing up with his ol' nazi
family.", and together we'd see, Justice is what Freedom
means, and what I challenge are those as deemed by
ourselves as "bushite", those that unthinkingly, as
anti-American fascist automaton slaves, say we must be
refused to agree that evidence is simply the only true
way to establishing some others doing. For if we are
becoming civilized, we'd then have to arrest the leaders
for the crimes they are found highly suspected of
arranging, according to the police agencies still
publicly involved in the so left in neutral or stalled,
and finally, take back our whole world through fairy
dance and pixi dust. Er.. through communicating the
wisdom of the ageless universe disguised as a person
like me on the verge of something really big and
magnificent! If only you could read, then we'd all
concede, I make one hell of a great make believe eternal
standing forever King of Kings!
Masterfully yours as servant,
please don't kill me,
I'm just the doorman,
Johnny Wizard
/ / Times Roman was first marketed in the late `30s,
according to the company that sells it. Other "experts"
claim the spacing was proportional. It certainly
doesn't look it to me. \ \
/ / The American decision to initiate the use of DU
weaponry, and then to continue its use even when
evidence mounted to thwart any lingering doubts about
the hazards, is a despicable act. This has been a cold,
calculated decision to inflict long-lasting harm on
enemies with no regard for the innocent in those lands
and no regard even for American and allied troops. \ \
/ / "Too many people here had a loved one that went to
work in New York that day," Bush said. "It's for our
country, it's for our children, our grandchildren that
we do the hard work of confronting terror." \ \
Let us take him at him word.
/ / Their statement discloses that the Yeshiva heads
have intentionally falsified the Talmud passages
"quoted" by them. The actual text forbids a Jew to kill
innocents even to save his own life. After all, God
created all human beings "in his own image"
(Genesis 1:27). \ \
The problem is that those that support the Likudniks are
not Jewish, but little fascist nazis who hold G in
contempt. Just ask them! Oops.. No, CNN or CBC won't
allow free comments made by those that openly victimize
the innocent like Jesus was, is, and shall be. Don't
forget, sharon was caught directly implicated in the
attempted murder of Mexican Jews. See? Likudniks would
kill innocent Jews too, if it means they can steal
another dollar from America. America, where something
like 90 percent of Jews say, repuglicons suck, and
conclude, killing Jews to steal their gold fillings for
the anti-Semitic Likudnik, is just simply evil to the
max dude. Translated: Evil to everyone,
including the Creator,
Johnny Wizard
51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration With the Nazis
/ / I say, enough. Let's all get together,
and hunt down bush and rumsfeld ourselves for 9/11, and
kill'em good as real Patriots should. What do you say? \ \
/ / Surviving true blooded Americans will hunt each bush
mobster down un-mercilessly and kill them rightly,
before they're allowed to walk the streets of God's
America free of our wrath. \ \
You be the judge: Shouldn't this be OUR BIG NEWS STORY?
And, who's interest is it, that it is yet to be made so
by Your entertaining national news programming? Whos?
The People's? Freedom's? Or the forces of bushite
tyranny to keep the US unaware of Freedom's true glory?
/ / "I will name Richard Cheney as prime suspect in the
mass murders of 9/11 and will establish that, not only
was he a planner in the attacks, but also that on the
day of the attacks he was running a completely separate
Command, Control and Communications system which was
superceding any orders being issued by the NMCC
(National Military Command Center), or the White House
Situation Room." \ \
/ / ``People trying to help us were wounded or ran away.
After a minute, the helicopters came back and fired
again. They came three or four times.'' \ \
This action is typical for the enemies of Life bushite.
Nazi bushite bomber forces have repeatedly, after
indiscriminately bombing innocent people, waited five or
ten minutes, then struck again to kill those who would
dare try to save the lives of god loving innocent men
women or children, that they admittedly target by
"guesswork". All to get killed more GI grunts for bush,
who don't have the courage or mental agility to defend
their fellow Americans by freely destroying the
anti-American Saudi wahhabi buford blount, child killer
mattis, bomb whoever russell, Baathist WMD bremer, women
hater kimmit, Iraqi People killer Allawi, or of course
bush and rumsfeld for 9/11. 9/11, in New York City?,
where thousands were murdered, and cheney immediately
called a halt on all police investigations pertaining to
the terrorist offense, for forbid, Americans might find
out for themselves what really happened.
Again, I beg all able bodied men to rise up for
Humanity, and hunt to engage the un-arrested corporate
fascist bushite who censor our screams for Justice,
until the facts on the bushite war crimes can be freely
acknowledged on our news channels. Demon bush and
rumsfeld must die for the crimes of 9/11, and the money
stolen from Iraq by the bushite war profiteering over
billers, must be returned completely with huge interest
charges made by those personally responsible, to a
legitimate, accountable, representative government of
the People., that currently doesn't exist in Iraq, what
with bushite rapists being deemed un-arrestable, and the
UN's failure in demanding the bushite enemies of
Humanity to immediately repair the public sector service
industries that they still, mindlessly, without purpose
but to die for, continue to destroy themselves over. We
should consider celebrating a hunt to kill the evil
bushite enemies of Humanity day for everyday of the
week, what do you think People?
/ / PATRICK COCKBURN: You could see that from the video
of the television correspondent who was killed that
nothing much was happening, and then suddenly out of the
blue rockets started raining down. Hello?
but it's pretty amazing to wait and then attack your own
vehicle from the air when there are crowds around it.
And in this case, you don't even hit the vehicle. You
fire your rockets 150 yards away. \ \
Done "for the safety of the people around it." the demon
bush disciple child killer Phil Smith quipped. Likely
while eating cheap candy.
Just like this bushite illusionist, rapist and murderer:
US Snipers Said Killing Iraqi Women, Kids, Medical Teams
/ / A freed detainee told the Arabic-language Al-Wasat, a
weekly supplement of the respectable London-based
Al-Hayat newspaper, about her ordeal inside a US prison
and how she had been gang-raped by US forces. \ \
/ / The daily pointed out then that Iraqi female
prisoners were kept in solitary confinement up to 23
hours a day, adding it saw pictures of US soldiers
raping Iraqi women or photographing them naked in
prison. \ \
George W. Bush is a coward
/ / What is taking place in Iraq on a daily basis
constitutes a terrible war crime. One has to go back to
the Vietnam War or to the atrocities carried out by Nazi
armies in Europe to find a parallel for such a
systematic slaughter of civilians. \ \
They're mostly lifeless cowards the bushite disciples
that drop bombs on the innocent and freedom loving. Do
US a favor, when you see a bushite, kill the evil nazi
fascist why don't you? Think of the lives of women and
children you would save by doing our great God such a
favor for Humanity's true liberation from the evils of
tyranny professed by the godless bushite, as a force we
must continue to suffer with for not putting up a fight
to save ourselves. Think of Yourself as Jesus, but with
the potential to do even greater deeds by not lying down
silently to die for nothing. Worship and protect life,
by killing the evil bushite who fights to not allow
Justice for all to happen. Or, phone Art Bell yourself,
and when he asks you what you wanted to talk about
before putting you on air, ask him, "just what the hell
do you think your doing Mr. Art Bell?, do you think
we're so stupid we can not ever communicate with
ourselves without your approval?!" We all know, it's a
given, Bill and Rush openly as enemy fascists, forbid
any relevant discussions on America's current political
developments, but Art Bell, does something far more
heinous, he advertises he doesn't censor America's
voice, while doing exactly that as a liar to America,
Humanity, God, and Johnny. An open line inter-national
call in radio program running daily for several hours on
top priority issues is exactly what Americans need as
the civilized, but Art Bell will only allow American's
to pretend the bushite holds respect within our police
agencies, for if the truth got out, bush, rummy, and
their accomplices would be arrested, or rightly dead
for high treason in Our America.
Of Our Own
I guess we'll soon see how many enemy of freedom
thieving rapist bushite vermins can be killed by a
single prayer. All People, of every faith, including
the Atheists, hate bushite rapists who foolishly think
their going to escape ALL accountability because their
in with the lawless demon anti-Christ, the Satanically
evil Mr. bush Jr.. Think again.
/ / "The helicopter fired on the Bradley to destroy it
after it had been hit earlier and it was on fire," said
Major Phil Smith of the 1st Cavalry Division. "It was
for the safety of the people around it." \ \
Oops.. er.. the bushite mean
/ / Helicopters that flew in to protect the Bradley were
then fired on from the ground and fired back, the
military said in a statement. \ \
But the firing didn't come from the Bradley vicinity..
so, who cares how many Americans are lead to die then
right? Traitors to Freedom, Justice, and Liberty are
the enemy bushite liars who war God to steal from our
Humanity with their blatant cowardice and betrayals.
I will pay anything to have George W. Bush Jr.
executed for his contempt of our innocent lives. 10
million? twenty million? 100 million? I will pay it
to the American Patriot soldier who'd for free, proudly
kill the true enemy of American freedom, the demon. war
mongering mass murderer, George W. bush Jr.. As we can
count George W. bush Jr. will continue running with
his tail up his ass refusing to face me as a man in a
fight to his death because, as a murderer of our
children, he is pitifully weak as the ungodly., an
anti-American parasitic cowardly nazi self absorbed
bushite cancer, just like Phil Smith is, or buford
blount and his two bit whore of a wife who pleads
desperately for others not to stand up for Liberty too!,
and as consequence, american bushwhore slaves will
continue paying the price of their disloyalty. As I've
said before, it is not impossible for the mythological
dying American Patriot Soldier to sneak onto Talk Radio
America and speak for their lack of real leadership,
when it comes to payback for the "mistakes",
"embarrassments", or "incompetence" of the wealthy war
profiteering bush bitches like mattis, russell, or
buford blount that command soldiers to attack innocent
people for "no military objective", [AH HAH!] but to get
killed more worthless American GIs to profit bush's
corporate gangster interests. Nor, is it impossible for
an American soldier to forward this post regarding the
true terrorist threat, to our comrades in arms.
See bushite, kill bushite. Killing the godless nazi
vermin bushite is a pleasure unmatched in love and
commitment to this Universe of freedom through the
highest order, namely by Justice found granted to all
through Universal wisdom. Until bush and rumsfeld are
publicly tried with the ample evidence available and
therefor executed for instigating 9/11, the enslaved
lazy american illiterate slob people will continue to
suffer, without near a word for caring. The devote
bushite Art Bell trapped without able excuse for
example, knows more so than the average ignoramus
pro-amerkan, that, bush and rumsfeld along with General
Ahmad and condi's plan, murdered thousands in New York
City, but does he truly care? Not for Your life
American sacrifice, he's got millions like Bill or Rush
has, by willfully beating down on the American People,
like Haliburton and Enron work the corporate machine for
bigger bounty by simple over charging the dumb
unrepresented folk, for, who's gonna care right?, Art
Bell? Not on Your life, or savings, or pension sore
Don't believe me, believe the commandeer of the mindless
unthinking enemy bushite teen slaves, the escaping from
the murder scene of 9/11, "sexy" rumsfeld the rotten,
you know?, the publicly known blatant traitor of
America's America, and to God as almighty.
rumsfeld "Don't think you can make a separate peace.
Don't think you can make a private deal as a person or a
country. You can't. We're in it together,'" In with
rumsfeld the pirate aAamerica is, wether Americans can
rise up to defend themselves through Justice by killing
the traitor rumsfeld or not, but for sure, America is
not going anywhere, nor is the publicly established
evidence regarding rummy's treason. I guess we'll soon
see how many enemy of freedom thieving rapist bushite
vermins can be killed by a single prayer. All People,
of every faith, including the Atheists, hate bushite
rapists who foolishly think their going to escape ALL
accountability because their in with the lawless demon
anti-Christ, the Satanically evil Mr. bush Jr.. Sure
the ungodly bushite nazi soldier can drop land mines and
bombs of toxic waste on innocent freedom loving people,
but when they touch ground, the earth people shall kill
them for the pursuit of our happiness. I stake my well
known reputation on it, fuck, I'll kill them all myself.
The enemy bushite only survive as our enemies by
corporate censorship, for they can not vocalize their
mindless, unthinking support as enemies to God and this
Word. To kill the treasonous bushite, is to save the
lives of the innocent in your trust as the freedom
loving. This post is being e-mailed to more than
100,000 for starters, many being, gun owners. Death to
George W. Bush Jr., and pity to those who would
continue to publicly back the demon tyrant in this
forever changing world. I HATE bushite.
Allawi "We intend to confront them and bring them to
justice." Allawi is surely one wicked criminal enemy of
Allah. Allawi seems to figure as the incredibly stupid,
that by saying he supports the fight for Justice, he
can't therefor be arrested or executed for the murders
in Iraq that he has completely confessed to ordering.
Nor, apparently, under Allawi's brand of tyranny, can
the enemy bushite be arrested for criminally destroying
vitally needed Public utilities. or who has openly
stolen Iraqi assets in the billions for "tax exempt"
bush backers basking in the sun away from it all. All
the while, working to convince God or Humanity that
evidence is no longer required to convince ourselves on
who is the guilty party.
/ / cheney: "[...] in fact these terrorist attacks are
just criminal acts and that we're not really at war." \ \
Does America still hold a death sentence for the paltry
criminal act of mass murder as so committed in New York
City on 9/11 by bush and rumsfeld?, someone should ask
private citizen cheney. You know?, cheney, who worked
diligently to close the outstanding criminal
investigations on said crime scene for whatever reason.
See bushite, kill bushite.
Further example:
Allawi "This is a decision taken by the national
security committee to protect the people of Iraq, in the
interests of the Iraqi people."
Is it in Iraqi interest to recover the stolen billions?,
repair what was needlessly criminally destroyed?, or
arrest those bushite rapists as deemed lawlessly
"un-accountable" to all law in their Allah forsaken
Universe? Like, Apartheid's death squad goons?
What Patriot fighter wouldn't kill an invading thieving
bushite murdering rapist enemy of Humanity?, Freely?
Allawi'll tell US, he had evidence those he murdered,
[and refused like kimmit to try arresting with such]
were insurgents, but when asked to present the
justification for such conclusion against women and
children, he bargains, it's none of our business. It's
important to recognize he performs the speech without
acknowledging an expectation in forming Your conclusion
with substantive fact, instead, desperately relies on
the illusion of auto-suggestion demanded through threat
to US living, a blind faith in his communicative ability
to ignore our concerns illegitimately. It's a con that
has been around forever, but I'll tell you what, without
exception, as soon as the false accuser becomes
confronted by the "Public Body", We the Public, will
have our way. The Indivisible nature of reality is all
we can ever stand together truly united on. (that is
why me and Hammurabi have so much in common, and why I
FREELY as a god, hunt to destroy the enemy bushite,
naturally attempting to save some of our failing
civilizations). Justice for any, is justice for all.
It's like, Allawi figures, dead men women and children
don't speak, so who's gonna care? Art Bell?, who would
see America as God robbed and stolen from, in lives and
treasure, and speak only for furthering bushite
conquests, while he'll get to stay on the sidelines,
insuring Americans don't wise up to his broadcasted evil
intentions through censorship? Only God knows I guess,
why bushite believe we are of few means, with only these
stupid words to craft an entrance strategy to make guest
appearances on some of our very own broadcasts.
The happy go lucky demon slayer,
Johnny Wizard
/ / Hersh provides details of how President George Bush
signed off on the establishment of a secret unit that was
given advance approval to kill or capture and interrogate
"high-value" suspects.
[...] A CIA analyst visited Guantánamo in summer 2002 and
returned "convinced that we were committing war crimes" \ \
/ / "The conditions here are miserable, an ambulance was
bombed, three houses destroyed and men and women
killed". The hospital's director, Rafayi Hayad
al-Esawi, told pan-Arab Al-Jazeera television by
telephone."The [enemy] American army has no morals." \ \
/ / Nobody knows what Bush would really do about taxes
and spending in a second term. What we do know is that
on this, as on many matters, he won't tell the truth. \ \
12 former judges join call for probe of torture memos
/ / ''The most senior lawyers in the Department of
Justice, the White House, Department of Defense, and the
vice president's office have sought to justify actions
that violate the most basic rights of all human beings,"
said the group's statement, signed by 130 officials and
lawyers, including former FBI chief William Sessions. \ \
/ / Just like Johnny would proudly serving for the
innocent as God is my sworn witness and testifier,
killing lawless evil bushite is a true freedom fighter's
pleasure! \ \
Justice for God
/ / Chiarelli said. ``We are going to go in and first
make Sadr City safe for residents.'' \ \
To whom are words needed in refuting the demon lies of
Chiarelli as the enemy? Like when bush tells US,
Afghanistan is now free, while committing the region to
lawlessness at the mercy of women slave trade heroin
pushers as according to his officially deliberated plan,
[Bob Woodward] or in Iraq, where the rapists, torturers,
and pillaging evil bushite indiscriminately murder only
good people while saying it was for a suspected Zarqawi
this or that, as if any freedom fighter wouldn't kill
the evil lying, ENEMY war criminal bushite for God's
pleasure, and true self respect for Humanity's undying
love. [Berg was murdered in a large yellow cement
building] See?, treasonous lying to no one bushite war
criminals sacrifice their worthless lives as cowards,
all so the "tax exempt" bushmob shysters can rob their
own family back home left undefended, while trying with
bombs to indiscriminately silence all noble men of all
innocent defended families as likewise sacrifices, who I
say, will never just wait to die an undeserved death.
Killing un-arrested bushite is saving the world from
their further crimes against God and humanity. Kill a
toxic cluster dud dropper, and you've saved the
potential lives of thousands of innocent people. For,
what real man would drop land mines throughout
residential school districts to criminally profit only
rumsfeld's business partners, while blowing up other
undefended American soldiers? Only the hated and
despised disciples of the evil enemy of Humanity, George
W. Bush Jr. I say, enough. Let's all get together,
and hunt down bush and rumsfeld ourselves for 9/11, and
kill'em good as real Patriots should. What do you say?
The enemy bushite holds no support with the Democrats,
nor the Republicans, and it is only through corporate
censorship from the likes of an Art Bell, on for
instance: bush's business partner, the freed to go,
General Ahmad, funding the 9/11 mastermind ring leader
Mohamed Atta, that "excuses" a bush bitch nazi soldier
from raping women or children while torturing the
innocent to death while claiming to be lawlessly
un-accountable in this Universe where Freedom walks and
talks a mean killer game.
I kill cop killing bushite humanely with honest to god
PRIDE, [ask anyone] and You should too as a real
American Patriot warrior defending the Human cause.
Fact: The lying evil bushite disciples are the enemies
of all people. They openly steal in bush's name, while
spewing they're "pro-Iraqi" forces, openly lying to
themselves to die US for as enemies to GOD. I HATE
US bombing kills more Falluja civilians
The demon anti-Christ, Our Mr. bush Jr wagers as he
has, that forever, he and rotten "sexy" rummy will
escape culpability for the crimes of 9/11. 9/11, the
terrorist crime that occurred in New York City, where
thousands of Americans were murdered, and bush and
cheney worked immediately, as planned, to quickly
attempt to close all outstanding criminal investigations
that follow the actual crime scene leads to arrest or
execute the true terrorist perpetrators. According to
Hammurabi, that would then therefor, make themselves
primed for public execution as the highly found guilty
for their purposefully made, falsely accused capital
/ / The rabbi, Dov Lior, said a "thousand non-Jewish
lives are not worth a Jew's fingernail". \ \
So, decieved American taxed payers give him a big fat
welfare payment to tell US that robbed as cheated GODLY
Christians don't deserve fair treatment? What would
Hillel say? Buddah? Or Christ? Well, the Torra of
Moses speaks of God himself! coming down here and
explaining the best way to destroy the evil likes of an
anti-Jew enemy of G-d's love, Dov Lior, however, I'm
really hoping, you'll figure out how to stand up for
yourself as just as soon, a Christian, Muslim, Jew or
Atheist, whom the label pirate Dov Lior beleives so
little of, and demand some equal time to demand Justice
for God, as would be Justice for any, to therefor,
include US all as truly worthy.
God bless America by killing un-arrested George W. Bush
The true enemy of all bushite nazi vermins,
Creation's celebrated demon slayer,
The Son of Man,
Johnny Wizard
/ / All for our ability to communicate freely
There is one thing that is strangely absent from our
news coverage as unbiased bushwhores who are actually
devaluing under the tyranny of the evil antiChrist, Our
Mr. Bush Jr., and that is... \ \
"Most casualties were old men and women and children",
/ / "We estimate we've killed 300 anti-Iraqi forces in
the past two days of fighting," Capt Carrie Batson, of
the US Marines, said. \ \
You tell me, isn't Carrie the enemy? Bald face Lying to
dying American soldiers that way? Or, is kimmitt and
bremer, along with bush and rumsfeld included in the
total? How can un-arrested child rapists, and self
confessed murdering thieves be the "good guys" to the
traitor bushite?
Killing Jews
/ / Although it is not clear who committed the arson
attack, the Israeli government intervened immediately
and tried to depict it as part of a wave of growing
anti-Semitism in France. \ \
I would suspect, only suspect mind you, that the
anti-Semitic crime was committed against the Jewish
community by the Likudniks. Why?
Listen: Jesus...
rise up and defend this world we share together won't
You help living some? Or, would you rather die a
tormented slave by evil bushite tyranny who will just as
soon, rob your granny? You decide, or, decide not, you
will still have made a choice in this matter by refusing
to act so accordingly.
I ain't foolin', can't you tell?
King of the Jews,
Johnny Wizard
/ / Police actions like these are but a symptom of a
society that is sadly misinformed and misled by a
government/media controlled by powerful corporate
interests. We NEED the law enforcement people on the
side of the people, so please do not diss all cops
becuase of the actions of a few hot-headed red-necked
gestapo wannabes! \ \
Meet An American War Criminal
/ / Before assuming command of the Third Infantry
Division, Blount was the program manager for the Saudi
National Guard. [...] \ \
It should also be noted his faithful wife, spends her
days, phoning wives of other potential bush bitch nazi
whores, encouraging them to support the war crimes of
her husband, by not mentioning the treason that
foreigner Saudi blount has dedicated the sacrifice of
American soldiers for. I kid you not. A wahhabist
commanding American GIs to die under as traitors, is a
disgrace marring the now officially tainted freedom
fighter uniform.
Better than I ever did,
Johnny Wizard
/ / To secure Sadr's agreement, the interim government
has offered both the Mahdi Army fighters and Sadr
himself a full amnesty, [...] \ \
Don't believe this amnesty for a second. Muqtada was
defending Iraq against inhuman godless savages that have
freely confessed to targeting the innocent with cluster
dud land mines, while laughing with those bush has
termed legally un-accountable from order to chaos, or to
Man from machine. Like those who have raped and
tortured innocent women and children, who still walk
un-accosted in Iraq hidden behind an easily spotted
American uniform, who are corporately broadcasted as
deadicated bushite to voice freely, four more years!, so
to further rob America's own grand parents left back
home undefended as cowards. I HATE bushite. This
meaningless amnesty granted to defenders of Liberty is a
ploy from Allawi: that in return, Iraqis don't hunt him
down and rightly kill him for the murders he has already
completely confessed to instigating., all done for the
financial gains STOLEN from Iraq by the nation-less "tax
exempt" bushite war profiteers. The New York Times has
reported mattis, buford, russell, along with several
others, were given an estimated two billion dollars
American for creating instability, to do with as they
wished, no questions asked. No questions asked from
surviving American Patriot soldiers, who's now dead poor
brothers and sisters, were commanded into a war zone as
the bad guys with lies, deceit and betrayal. Fuk, we do
want US true blue Patriots riled, for we'd all hunt to
arrest or kill bushite by the score to finally bring
some real Justice to this world, along with freedom and
the heavenly joy that is our worthy lives as truly
relevant national news material. CBC and CNN corporate
celebs know, cause I told them so, (even phoned many at
home) un-arrested Lt. General Ahmad, funded the
mastermind 9/11 ring leader Mohamad Atta. But we watch
in horror as they just childishly refuse to inform US on
the true nature of the demon anti-Christ's crime-ridden
lackluster performances. Too embarrassing demon bush is
as heinous traitor God betrayer. So, they, the
corporate "Journalists", would leave You too dying
sacrificed in silence, like our soldiers left untreated
who eat plutonium, while only told by CBC News Sunday
(that absolutely refuses to state any scientific
conclusions that are reached conclusively) to instead
quote, some say it's nothing to get yourself killing
criminal bushite over, some say it is.. The enemy
lifeless corporate bushites can't let US know enough of
the facts to decide, otherwise, the jig would be up.
Bush, rumsfeld, condi and others like Myers would be
immediately arrested awaiting trial, or dead, and I'd be
a guest... maybe on a Letterman special, or something
truly grand like Saturday Night Live to be made a
mockery of. For Christ sake, I am the media! Scary yes,
but funny as all hell.
How many soldiers and civilians alike will suffer before
the enemy bushites represented by corporate news control
are made to take are places out here in our real dying
'cause I'm,
Johnny Wizard
/ / As Israeli spies in Washington steal our secrets,
and feed us lies, our politicians are pigging out at the
trough of AIPAC campaign contributions, raking in cash
while their patrons take in classified documents. When
the American people find out what is going on, God help
the neocons, because they are going to need it. The
arrest and trial of Israel's fifth column in the
Pentagon is going to unleash a lot of anger, because it
is going to make Americans understand the nature and
extent of the treason that entrapped them in Iraq. \ \
The Cradle Of Devastation
/ / We would not want to call the Founding Fathers and
their army of patriots `terrorists,' would we? \ \
/ / Backing the Franklin probe may well be military factions
who have no desire to be fed into the Iranian meatgrinder,
and who not fancy neocon fascist dictatorship. The immediate
goal would be to knock Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Feith, Bolton,
Rice, Abrams and their cheering section in the media and
think-tanks onto the defensive. \ \
Wow! I am so great that you have no equal like the rest
of us do. Er.. don't. Ahhh whatever.. alls the same.
Tally hoe Christian soldier!
Give It Up
/ / "At some point, I am sure we will pull back if the
foreign fighters are confirmed and turned over to us,
the heavy weapons are turned over to the Iraqi army and
then we get them. It is event driven," he said. \ \
This is truly dumb evil. Typical of mattis, the trying
enemy American GI killer, who before told US, he ordered
bush whore nazi soldiers to target more than forty five
innocent members of families at a wedding party because,
he couldn't comprehend why Iraqis live with the desert
throughout the middle east. Only when "mattis", (who
apparently sees himself the only official negotiating to
not stop ever war criminalizer,) is convinced heavy
weapons are ALL turned over, and ALL the foreign
fighters too, will he then pause sending naive enemy
dumfuk teen soldiers out to die continually for nothing
but to reward with the proceeds of his war crimes, the
off shore no-nation tax sheltered corporate backers of
the demon anti-Christ, Our Mr. bush Jr.. Think: ...
What is mattis's ultimate objective by targeting so many
innocent people for murder in Najaf? A losing battle
where Americans soldiers die that who's freedom profits
from? There is no evidence Muqtada, (who as "radical"
calls for democratic representation,) played a role in
the execution of a bushite supporter, who as such,
encouraged Iraqis to further allow un-challenged the
nazi forces to continue stealing all of the nation's
resources while refusing to repair damage done to vital
public services. Continuing to leave the bushites "Free
Iraq" without the criminal arrest of those responsible
for the torturing of the innocent as sadistic godless
facist nazi evil savages. All whilst, the bushite
bombers continue bombing more expensive infrastructure
along with the whomevers to punish some village, town,
city, US as Humanity. If you got up close and personal
to a "unaccountable", "not responsible", "just obeying
war crime orders sir", bushite land mine cluster
bomb dropper, wouldn't you kill it dead for US all too?
Any real man would kill un-arrested war criminal bushite
mattis for targeting innocent Iraqi women and children
to rob from our America, while deservedly getting killed
more GIs, so then.., who's the foreign fighter to
mattis's real World? Himself? You bet. The US, or
just me personally, is coming to kill the un-arrested
enemy mattis, along with buford blount and steven
russell as the true anti-Iraqi traitors to our
liberating Human causes. I, the Son of Man, HATE the
evil a bushite liar professes as enemies of our
Humanity, and, am more than happy destroying, in so
being, ridding this world of such heinous criminality
committed sacrilegiously in America's name dishonored.
'cause I'm,
Johnny Wizard
/ / Among the draft audit's findings were that payrolls
in Iraqi ministries under the control of the Coalition
Provisional Authority were padded with thousands of
ghost employees. \ \
/ / The Likudniks like to pretend that they represent
American Jewry, but they do not. And they like to
suggest that objecting to their policies is tantamount
to anti-Semitism, which is sort of like suggesting that
if you don't like Chile's former dictator Pinochet, you
are bigotted against Latinos. \ \
/ / In that sense, O'Reilly's reporting has been an act
of sabotage that threatens the nation. It is O'Reilly
who is preventing us from getting to the real killers.
It is O'Reilly who is aiding terrorism and threatening
our survival.
But that's O'Reilly's goal as a fascist--strengthen
the repressive state apparatus and disarm working people
politically. This from the self-appointed working class
spokesman who claims to be looking out for the folks. \ \
/ / Before Sadr's supporters began their uprising, they
made their demands for elections and an end to
occupation through sermons, peaceful protests and
newspaper articles. US forces responded by shutting
down their newspapers, firing on their demonstrations
and bombing their neighborhoods. \ \
/ / "Most amazing of all," writes Parenti, "the OMB
report showed that not a single cent of US tax money had
been spent on Iraqi healthcare, water treatment or
sanitation projects - though $9 million was dithered
away on administrative costs of the now defunct
Coalition Provisional Authority. \ \
/ / The verb "migrated" is unfortunate. It implies
something natural or instinctive that birds do. But
some human beings made the decisions to engage in these
abusive practices, and higher ups let such practices go
on. \ \
/ / The order to shoot the demonstrators, I believe,
came from senior government officials, including
intelligence communities within the military and the
U.S. government. \ \
/ / But the Pentagon was not able to explain just how
Halliburton gained possession of Iraqi funds when
neither the United States Congress nor the Iraqi
government authorized their transfer to Halliburton in
the first place. \ \
/ / The team's sole purpose was to close as many
subcontracts as possible, under the mistaken assumption
that everything that was closed prior to the arrival of
the government audit team would be exempt from further
scrutiny. [...]
The final touch of irony: Halliburton housed the Tiger
Team at the five-star Kempinski Hotel in Kuwait, paying
each of them a whopping $10,000 per month for their
troubles. \ \
/ / In particular, war planners at the Joint Chiefs of
Staff did not expect a widespread anti-U.S. insurgency
or the breakdown of civil order in postwar Iraq, so they
did not plan or provide resources for the operation of a
large American-run prison system, commissioners said. \ \
Evil wicked lies. The deaths of American soldiers were
brought upon America deliberately by tommy franks and
rotton rumsfeld when dis-guarding the State Department's
ORHA plan, all so, tommy could get killed American GIs
to loot the Iraqi Central Bank of billions for his
private war mongering banker friends. Die bushite die!
Richard Perle "Iraqis are freer today and we are safer.
Relax and enjoy it."
A Bush "Ask the President," Stump "show" Annotated and Analyzed
/ / Now, we enter the gratuitous phase of meeting the
``regular'' folk that Bush pretends are not pre-screened
ahead of time. It is the same tired routine at each of
these stops. Pro-Bush, small business owners are on
stage with Bush while he pretends to have a ``give and
take'' with them. \ \
Get a grip, Hugh!
/ / This week the American Free Press dropped a ``dirty
bomb'' on the Pentagon by reporting that eight out of 20
men who served in one unit in the 2003 U.S. military
offensive in Iraq now have malignancies. That means
that 40 percent of the soldiers in that unit have
developed malignancies in just 16 months. \ \
The People Will Judge George Bush
/ / Every day that the war and occupation in Iraq
continue, Iraqi civilians are killed, injured, denied
civil liberties, jailed, abused and tortured by the
occupation forces while their basic services and economy
are deteriorating. Meanwhile, our sons and daughters
are being killed and maimed. \ \
/ / Sergio was going to issue a statement criticizing
the killing by US soldiers of the Reuters cameraman
Mazen Dana as he filmed an incident outside Abu Ghraib
prison. \ \
Annan knows that the bushites refused to warn the UN
that they were made privy to the war crime before it
happened according to Chalabi. But Annan, as usual,
refuses to stand as a man representing our victimized
human species, or his so called friend. With a friend
like Anan, you don't need an enemy, for he'll watch you
robbed or murdered, and speak nothing for our lost
loves. Where is the world's outcry for the evil
anti-Christ disciples dropping cluster dud land mines
throughout residential districts? The raping and
torture of women and children by the bushite savages
deemed by the actual enemy of GOD anti-Christ demon
George W. Bush Jr. as, lawlessly "unaccountable"?
Where is Annan's outrage over the billions, like
humanitarian aid STOLEN from all Iraq by the bushite
enemies of humanity labeled by themselves as pro-Iraqi?
Who wouldn't kill George W. Bush Jr. on sight, for
spreading his lies on Art Bell of criminal propaganda to
sacrifice worthless American soldiers irrationally? A
reminder: the dumfuk bushite soldiers actually die as
traitors taking down the sparse but true, American
Patriot soldiers stuck in the wrong place warring the
innocent without the available time to get a good shot
at bush, rumsfeld, negroponte, buford blount, steven
russell, mattis, bremer, or evil thomas foley.
I am,
Johnny Wizard
/ / "If they killed foreign fighters, why don't they show us
the bodies? If they suspected foreign fighters were here,
why didn't they come to arrest them, instead of using
this huge force?" \ \
/ / The US military said a number of 230 kilogram
(500-pound) bombs had been dropped on "known enemy
locations" near the city. \ \
I hate the evil ungodly bushite like any real man would.
/ / A military police officer reported a medic inserted
an intravenous tube into the corpse of a detainee who
died while being tortured to create evidence that he was
alive at the hospital, Miles said. \ \
/ / Wherever possible, the administration cloaks its
attack on the environment in soothing words like
"healthy forests initiative" and "clear skies
initiative," while delivering the opposite. \ \
/ / "the EPA added reassuring language and deleted words
of caution" after it was urged to do so by the White
House Council on Environmental Quality. \ \
/ / "Much of
the exposure that caused these illnesses, sadly, could
have been avoided if our federal government had
responded to the crisis…with proper concern for the
people exposed." \ \
/ / Protecting the identities of confidential sources is
a journalistic right that should be recognized by the
courts, but only when it protects genuine
whistle-blowers, not when it shields government
wrongdoing. \ \
/ / Just like Johnny would proudly serving for the
innocent as God is my sworn witness and testifier,
killing lawless evil bushite is a true freedom fighter's
pleasure! \ \
/ / While acknowledging that Doe's contract allows the
military to retain him in the event of war, the filing
notes that "Congress has not declared a war in Iraq or
elsewhere", which makes involuntary retentions illegal. \ \
/ / Coincidentally, his remarks followed a protest by a
small group of police officers who were told to move
away from the doorway of John Jay College of Criminal
Justice in Manhattan or risk arrest. \ \
/ / "John the Baptist, who was just a figure from the
Gospels, now comes to life," \ \
/ / Linda Theis told T |
 This work is in the public domain |