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Weekly Report On Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Territories
21 set 2004
Last week was the bloodiest week in the last two months, as 24
Palestinians, mostly civilians, including 6 children, were killed and
dozens of other civilians were injured by Israeli troops.

The difference between the suicide bomber and soldier(s) killing
civilian population including children, is the IDF uniform and the US
tax dollar in foreign aid .
24 Palestinians, mostly civilians, including 6 children, were killed
by Israeli troops
7 of the victims were extra-judicially executed by Israeli troops

Israeli forces conducted a series of incursions into Palestinian
areas in the West Bank and Gaza Strip

43 houses were destroyed and dozens of donums[1] of agricultural land
were razed in the northern Gaza Strip

3 houses were destroyed in Rafah and 7 houses were destroyed and 20
donums of agricultural land were razed in al-Mughraqa village

2 houses were destroyed the West Bank in the context of retaliatory
measures against families of Palestinian activists

Construction of the "Annexation wall" in the West Bank has continued

Israeli troops have continued to impose a total siege on the oPt and
Israeli troops arrested a number of Palestinian civilians while
crossing military checkpoints

Who in Washington is ignorant or complicit?


Us Dept of State

US Congress:

US Senate

Permanent Missions to the United Nations

Many of e-mail addresses of UN missions are formatted as follows:
france ARROBA, germany ARROBA, india ARROBA
ireland ARROBA italy ARROBA, uk ARROBA, etc.

Embassies in different countries:

Committe of struggle against barbarism & arbitrary,
777 bd des nations unies,
13300 SALON, france
maito : laconscience ARROBA


Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) have perpetrated more human rights
violations against Palestinian civilians in the occupied Palestinian
Territory (oPt). This week was the bloodiest week in the last two
months, as 24 Palestinians, mostly civilians, including 6 children,
were killed and dozens of other civilians were injured by Israeli
troops. Human rights violations perpetrated by IOF included willful
and extra-judicial executions, incursions into Palestinian areas,
indiscriminate shelling, house demolitions and land raising. Israeli
troops have also continued to impose severe restrictions on the
movement of Palestinian civilians. In addition, they have continued
to construct the annexation wall inside the West Bank, in violation
of international humanitarian law and international Human Rights law.

In the Gaza Strip, 10 Palestinians, 8 of whom were civilians,
including 3 children, were killed by Israeli troops. Eight of the
victims were killed during an Israeli offensive on the northern Gaza
Strip from 9 to 11 September 2004. The other two victims died from
previous injuries they had sustained by Israeli troops in Gaza City
and Rafah.

During their offensive on the northern Gaza Strip, Israeli troops
destroyed 43 houses and razed at least 90 donums of agricultural
land. They also largely destroyed the civilian infrastructure of the
area. On 14 and 15 September 2004, Israeli troops conducted 5
military incursions into Palestinian areas in the Gaza Strip. During
these incursions, Israeli troops destroyed 10 houses, leaving 259
Palestinian civilians (71 families) homeless, and razed 20 donums of
agricultural land.

In the West Bank, this week, Israeli troops killed 14 Palestinians, 8
of whom were civilians, including 3 children. One of the children was
run down by an Israeli military jeep on 9 September 2004. Seven of
the victims, including a child, were killed in two extra-judicial
executions committed by Israeli troops in Jenin on 13 and 15
September 2004. On 15 September 2004, Israeli troops killed 5
Palestinians, after having surrounded them in a garden in Nablus. A
child was also killed as Israeli troops continued to fire at the area
after the operation had ended. In addition, Israeli troops arrested
dozens of Palestinian civilians throughout the West Bank. Israeli
troops also destroyed 2 houses in the context of retaliatory measures
against families of Palestinian activists.

Israeli occupation troops have continued to construct the annexation
wall inside the West Bank territory. This week, this construction
took place mainly in East Jerusalem and Hebron. This week, Israeli
troops continued to raze areas of Palestinian land to construct
sections of the wall in Hebron.

IOF have continued to impose a tightened siege on the oPts and have
imposed severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians
in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including Jerusalem. On 9
September 2004, Israeli troops imposed a total closure on the oPts.
In the Gaza Strip, Israeli troops have continued to close Erez
crossing for the third consecutive week, and imposed severe
restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. In the West
Bank, Israeli troops have continued to impose a strict siege on
Palestinian communities. They have also imposed severe restrictions
on the movement of Palestinian civilians and arrested some of them
while crossing military checkpoints. Israeli troops also imposed a
curfew on a number of Palestinian communities.

Encroachment into and the Shelling of Palestinian Areas, and Attacks
on Palestinian Civilians and Property

Israeli Offensive on the Northern Gaza Strip

Israeli troops continued their offensive on the northern Gaza Strip
(see the previous report). At approximately 02.00, Israeli troops
moved towards Jabalya refugee camp. They took up positions at al-
Sikka Street to the east of the camp. An Israeli helicopter gunship
fired a missile at a numbers of members of the Palestinian
resistance, seriously wounding 5 of them. At approximately 03.00,
Israeli helicopter gunships fired another missile at the densely
populated camp, wounding 7 civilians. At approximately 07.00, a
number of members of the Palestinian resistance clashed with Israeli
troops. One member of the resistance, Mohammed 'Ali al-Haj 'Ali, 24,
was killed by a live bullet in the abdomen.

At approximately 10.00, Israeli troops opened fire at two unarmed
young men, who were trying to cross the main road. One of the young
men, Sami Sharif Thabet, 18, was seriously wounded by a live bullet
in the chest. Another civilian, Maher Mohammed Saleh, 42, from
Jabalya refugee camp, transported the young man to the hospital in
his car, however, Israeli troops fired at his car. Saleh was
seriously wounded by a live bullet in the chest as well. He was able
to drive the car until he reached some civilians who evacuated him
and the young man, who was dead, to the hospital.

At approximately 12.00, Israeli troops began to shell and
indiscriminately shoot into camp. As a result, 2 Palestinian
civilians, including a child, were killed.

1. Munir Anwar al-Daqas, 10, hit by a live bullet to the chest; and

2. Mohammed Yousef 'Ezziddin, 22, hit by a live bullet to the chest.

In addition, 24 civilians, mostly children, were injured, the
condition of 3 of them was described by medical sources as serious.

At approximately 14.00, Israeli troops fired at Mahmoud Mohammed
Darabeih, 29, when he was near his house in al-Sikka Street. He was
seriously wounded by a live bullet in the chest. He died on the way
to the hospital. PCHR's field worker in the northern Gaza Strip
reported that the car that transported the victim to the hospital was
fired at by Israeli troops, but no casualties were reported. Earlier,
Israeli troops had fired at Maher Saleh, 45, when he was traveling in
his car. He was seriously wounded by a live bullet in the chest.

As a result of the Israeli indiscriminate shelling, 30 other
civilians were injured in the east of Jabalya refugee camp and Beit
Lahia town.

In the hours of the day, Israeli troops destroyed 12 houses in Tal al-
Za'tar area and the east of Jabalya refugee camp, and damaged 128
others. They also razed at least 90 donums of agricultural land, and
destroyed 2 brick factories, a maintenance workshop, an agricultural
store and 3 wells. In addition, Israeli troops seized 8 houses and
transformed them into military posts. Israeli troops also fired at
ambulances that tried to evacuate the wounded to hospitals.

At approximately 06.40 on Friday, 10 September 2004, Israeli troops
positioned at al-Sikka Street fired an artillery shell at a number of
members of the Palestinian resistance who clashed with those troops.
One member of the resistance, 'Abdul 'Aziz 'Abdul Latif al-Ashqar,
was seriously wounded by shrapnel in the head, the chest and the
limbs. He died one hour following his evacuation to the hospital.

At approximately 15.30 on the same day, Israeli troops fired at Saleh
Tayseer Abu Hazzaa', 17, from Gaza City, who was in a visit to his
relatives at al-Sikka Street. He was seriously wounded by a live
bullet in the chest. He died on the way to the hospital.

Later on at approximately 17.00, Israeli troops fired an artillery
shell at 16-year-old 'Abdullah Hisham 'Aashour Nasser when he was
near Jabalya district court to the west of al-Sikka Street. He was
instantly killed as his head was cut from his body.

Also on Friday, Israeli troops destroyed 3 houses and damaged dozens
of others in Tal al-Za'tar area and the east of Jabalya refugee camp.
Thus, the number of houses destroyed by Israeli troops during their
offensive on the northern Gaza Strip had increased to 15, in addition
to 28 houses that had been partially destroyed. As a result, 125
Palestinian civilians (22 families) have become homeless.

On Saturday morning, 11 September 2004, Israeli troops withdrew from
the northern Gaza Strip.

Thursday, 9 September 2004

In the afternoon, Israeli troops killed a Palestinian child in al-
Ama'ari refugee camp in Ramallah, when an Israeli military jeep ran
him down and moved over his body twice. Israeli troops admitted the
attack and claimed that "a Palestinian moved close to a military jeep
that moved towards him, so he was seriously injured as the jeep hit
him." Israeli troops further claimed that they would initiate an
investigation into the incident.

According to preliminary investigations conducted by PCHR, at
approximately 13.30, as hundreds of Palestinian civilians were
participating in the funeral procession of a Palestinian who was
extra-judicially executed by Israeli troops on the preceding day, 4
Israeli military jeeps moved into al-Bireh. Two of the jeeps moved
into al-Ama'ari refugee camp as the mourners began to go back homes.
At approximately 14.00, a number of children and young men gathered
and threw stones at the Israeli military jeeps, which were patrolling
provocatively in the streets of the camp. One of the children,
Mohammed 'Abdullah Jad al-Haq, 17, threw a stone at the front jeep.
Immediately, the other jeep moved towards him and ran him down. It
also moved forward and backward on his body. When the Israeli
military jeeps withdrew from the area, a number of civilians tried to
offer the child first medical aid, but he was dead. Al-Jazeera
Satellite Channel showed scenes of this attack, clearly proving that
it was deliberate.

In the hours of the day, Israeli troops moved into the villages of al-
Duha, Beit Ta'mar and Housan and the refugee camps of 'Aaida and al-
'Azza near Bethlehem; the villages of Tubas and al-Zababda near
Jenin; 'Azzoun village near Qalqilya; and Qalandya refugee camp near
Ramallah. They raided and searched a number of houses and arrested 15

At approximately 21.20, Israeli troops positioned in military posts
in the vicinity of "Neve Dekalim" settlement, west of Khan Yunis,
opened fire at Palestinian houses in Khan Yunis refugee camp. A woman
and a child were injured when they were inside their homes.

1. Maha Sabri 'Eita, 16, injured by shrapnel in the right eye; and

2. Warda Ibrahim al-Jurof, 59, injured by shrapnel in the right

At approximately 22.00, Israeli troops moved into Rafidya
neighborhood in the west of Nablus. They opened fire at houses. A
number of Palestinian children and young men gathered and threw
stones at those troops. Immediately, Israeli troops fired at the
stone throwers, wounding 21-year-old Mohammed Ahmed Hassouna with a
rubber-coated metal bullet in the left leg.

Friday, 10 September 2004

At approximately 02.00, Israeli troops raided and searched a house
belonging to the family of Mos'ab Isma'il al-Hashlamoun, 22, in
Khellat Safour in the south of Hebron, and arrested him.

Also at approximately 02.00, 5 Israeli military jeeps surrounded
Mohammed al-Rowaished's house in 'Eissi neighborhood in the west of
Hebron. Israeli troops blew up its door and forced the family. Then,
they searched the house, opening fire at its furniture. Some
furniture burnt, and one of the owner's sons, 9-year-old Amjad, who
is mentally handicapped, was injured in the left hand. Israeli troops
also arrested two of al-Rowaished's sons, Samer and Hany, who are
university students.

Saturday, 11 September 2004

At approximately 08.00, 10 Israeli military jeeps moved into Tulkarm
through its western entrance. They took positions at the northern
entrance to Tulkarm refugee camp. Israeli troops opened fire at
Palestinian houses. A Palestinian civilian, 21-year-old
Mohammed 'Abdul Qader Nasrallah, was wounded by a rubber-coated metal
bullet in the chest.

In the hours of the day, Israeli troops moved into al-Duha village
near Bethlehem; Silwad village near Ramallah; Hebron; and Ektaba
village near Tulkarm. They raided and searched a number of houses and
arrested 8 Palestinians, including a child and 3 brothers.

Sunday, 12 September 2004

In the evening, medical sources in a hospital in Cairo declared that
Daoud 'Abdullah Abu Jazar, 19, from Rafah refugee camp, died from a
wound he sustained by Israeli troops last year. According to PCHR's
documentation, Abu Jazar was seriously wounded by a live bullet in
the head during an Israeli military incursion into Block O in Rafah
refugee camp on 18 November 2003. As he was in a critical condition
he was transferred from Palestinian hospitals in the Gaza Strip to
Nasser Medical Academy in Cairo, where he had received medical
attention until the time of his death.

Monday, 13 September 2004

In the early morning, medical sources at Shifa Hospital in Gaza City
declared that Rawad Ibrahim al-Sowairki, 26, from al-Shojaeya
neighborhood in thhe city, died from a wound he had sustained last
week, when Israeli helicopters and tanks shelled a training center of
Hamas movement in al-Tuffah neighborhood in the east of Gaza City.
This attack left 14 Palestinians dead and injured 12 others. Al-
Sowairki had received medical attention in the intensive care unit at
Shifa Hospital as he was injured by shrapnel throughout the body.
Thus, the number of Palestinians killed as a result of this attack
has increased to 15.

At approximately 07.00, Israeli troops moved into Ramallah. They
surrounded the campus of the Education College. They raided the
student hostel. They interrogated a number of students and summoned 6
of them to the Israeli intelligence, each in his area of residence.
This raid had been the fourth of its kind since April 2002.

At approximately 07.15, Israeli troops positioned in military posts
in the vicinity of "Netzarim" settlement, south of Gaza City, fired a
shell at Palestinian agricultural areas located to the north of the
aforementioned settlement. A Palestinian woman, Suhaila 'Ali Quza'at,
45, was injured by shrapnel in the right hand, while she was farming
her land.

At approximately 08.45, Israeli troops positioned on tanks an in
military posts along the Egyptian border, south of Rafah, opened fire
at residential areas in the town. A Palestinian child, 15-year-old
Ahmed Walid Sheikh al-'Eid, was injured by shrapnel in the chest and
the right arm, when he was near his house in al-Shaboura refugee
camp, nearly 1200 meters away from the border.

In the hours of the day, Israeli troops moved into Nablus and the
neighboring Kufol Qallil village; al-Zahiriya village near Hebron;
and al-'Azza and al-Duhaisha refugee camps near Bethlehem. They
raided and searched a number of houses and arrested 10 Palestinians,
including 2 children who were brothers.

Tuesday, 14 September 2004

At approximately 01.00, Israeli troops, reinforced by heavy military
vehicles and helicopters, moved nearly 200 meters into Block J in
Rafah refugee camp, adjacent to the Egyptian border. Under the cover
of indiscriminate shelling, they destroyed a 2-storey house belonging
to the Shouman family and a 4-storey apartment building belonging to
the Mar'ei family. As a result, 53 Palestinians civilians (11
families) have become homeless.

At approximately 03.00, an infantry unit of Israeli troops moved
nearly 300 meters into al-Qarara village, north of Khan Yunis. The
Israeli troops surrounded Jawad Adeeb Abu 'Obaid's house and called
on its 18 residents to get out. They checked the male residents.
Then, they used the house's owner as a human shield while searching
the house. At approximately 06.00, Israeli troops arrested the owner
and his four sons. They took them to an Israeli military post at the
eastern border of the Gaza Strip, where they interrogated them. All
of the detainees were released later, excluding Sufian Jawad
Abu 'Eid, 21. Israeli troops also ordered the owner to vacate his

In the hours of the day, Israeli troops moved into 'Arraba village,
south of Jenin; Nablus and the neighboring villages of Beit Fourik,
Beit Dajan and Tallouza; al-Duhaisha refugee camp, south of
Bethlehem. They raided and searched a number of houses and arrested
12 Palestinians.

At approximately 22.00, Israeli troops, reinforced by heavy military
vehicles, moved nearly 500 meters into al-Mughraqa village
near "Netzarim" settlement, south of Gaza City. Under the cover of
indiscriminate shelling, they surrounded 2 houses belonging to the
families of Yassin and Hajji. They held residents of each house in
one room and transformed the two houses into military sites. Israeli
troops also used one member of the hajji family as a human shield
while searching the family's house and the neighboring building of
the municipality. During this incursion, which continued until
Wednesday morning, 15 September 2004, Israeli troops destroyed 7
houses, leaving 34 Palestinian civilians (9 families) homeless. They
also razed at least 20 donums of agricultural land.

Wednesday, 15 September 2004

At approximately 03.00, Israeli troops positioned in military posts
in the vicinity of "Neve Dekalim" settlement, west of Khan Yunis,
opened fire at Palestinian houses in Khan Yunis refugee camp. A
Palestinian child, 15-year-old Ansam 'Abdul Rahim Abu Shammala, was
injured by shrapnel in the left arm, while she was inside her house.

At approximately 04.00, Israeli troops, reinforced by military
vehicles, 2 bulldozers and a helicopter gunship, moved into the west
of Nablus. They surrounded a number of houses at al-Razi Street, a
branch road of an-Najah National University Street. Some Israeli
troops were positioned atop of Dr. Jamal al-'Aaloul's house and other
troops surrounded a garden of a church in the area. A number of
Palestinian gunmen, who were hiding in the garden, clashed with the
Israeli troops. Immediately, Israeli troops fired shells and live
bullets at the gunmen. The Israeli shelling and gunfire continued
until 08.00. At approximately 08.50, Israeli troops resumed firing at
the area. A Palestinian child, 11-year-old Maram Mufeed 'Abdul 'Aziz
al-Nahla, was seriously wounded by a live bullet in the face. She
died shortly after having been evacuated to Rafidya Hospital.
Although Israeli troops allowed an ambulance to evacuate the child to
the hospital, they did not allow other ambulances to enter the area
until 11.30. When ambulances were allowed to enter the area, they
transferred the bodies of 5 Palestinians to Rafidya Hospital. The
victims were identified as.

1. Mulhem 'Afif Ibrahim Abu Jamila, 26, hit by several live bullets
in the head;

2. 'Abdul Halim Sa'eej 'Abdul Halim Salem, 21, hit by several live
bullets in the head;

3. Hani Ahmed Fathi al-'Aqqad, 24, hit by several live bullets in the

4. Nader Ibrahim Rida al-Aswad, 27, hit by several live bullets in
the head; and

5. Mohammed Rebhi Sa'id Mar'ei, 20, hit by several live bullets in
the head.

Later, dozens of Palestinian children and young men gathered in the
center of Nablus and threw stones at Israeli military vehicles in the
area. Immediately, Israeli troops fired at the stone throwers,
wounding at least 20 Palestinian civilians, including a number of
bystanders. The condition of two of the wounded, including a child,
was described as serious.

1. 'Essam Nihad Abu Hajla, 12, wounded by a live bullet in the head;

2. Hassan 'Ali Hassan Khalbous, 28, wounded by a live bullet in the

At approximately 04.00, Israeli troops, reinforced by heavy military
vehicles, moved nearly 400 meters into al-Rumailat area near Rafah
terminal on the Egyptian border. Under the cover of indiscriminate
shelling, they surrounded a 120-square-meter, asbestos-roofed house
owned by 'Abdul Salam Salim al-Rumailat, and forced its residents
out. Then, Israeli troops planted explosives inside the house and
destroyed it. They claimed that a tunnel was found under the house.

In the hours of the day, Israeli troops moved into the villages of al-
Duha and al-Khader near Bethlehem; Jenin and the neighboring al-
Fara'a village; and Hebron. They raided and searched a number of
houses and arrested 6 Palestinians.

At approximately 15.00, Israeli troops positioned in military posts
in the vicinity of "Neve Dekalim" settlement, west of Khan Yunis,
shelled Palestinian houses in Khan Yunis refugee camp and al-Nimsawi
neighborhood. Five Palestinian civilians (3 children and 2 women)
were injured.

1. Mohammed Radwan Enshasi, 15, injured by shrapnel in the left foot;

2. Mohammed Fayez al-Akhras, 14, injured by shrapnel in the chest;

3. Bilal 'Abdul Rahman al-Akhras, 15, injured by shrapnel in the
right foot;

4. Nahla Ahmed 'Abdul Nabi, 35, injured by shrapnel in the right
foot; and

5. Ghalia Hassan Abu Hilal, 55, injured by shrapnel in the right

Extra-Judicial Execution

In a continuation of the policy of extra-judicial execution
officially adopted by the Israeli political and military
establishments, this week, Israeli troops committed 2 extra-judicial
executions. On Monday evening, 13 September 2004, Israeli troops
committed an extra-judicial execution, which killed 3 Palestinians in
Jenin. The victims were members of the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, the
military wing of Fatah movement, and were killed when an Israeli
helicopter gunship attacked their car. On Wednesday, 15 September
2004, an undercover unit of Israeli troops extra-judicially executed
4 Palestinian civilians, including a child, in Jenin.

According to PCHR's preliminary investigations, at approximately
17.15 on Monday, 13 September 2004, an Israeli helicopter gunship
fired a missile at a civilian car, a grey Mazda, that was traveling
near the Municipality of Jenin. The missile struck the car and
destroyed it. Immediately, medical personnel hurried to the place of
the attack and removed the bodies of 3 Palestinians from the car. The
bodies were transferred to Dr. Khalil Suleiman Hospital in Jenin. The
victims were identified as.

1. Mahmoud Asa'ad Abu Khalifa, 29;

2. Yamen Jamil Abu al-Haija, 23; and

3. Amjad Husni Mahmoud Abu al-Haija, 30.

Later, Israeli troops claimed that Abu Khalifa had been engaged in
several attacks on them throughout the West Bank. The three victims
had survived an assassination attempt by Israeli troops in August
2004. A Palestinian child was injured in the August attack when a
missile hit her family home.

At approximately 12.30 on Wednesday, 15 September 2004, as 4
Palestinian civilians were traveling in a civilian car in the
industrial zone in the northeast of Jenin, 2 civilian cars, with
Palestinian registrations, stopped nearly 50 meters away from the
car. A number of armed persons, who are members of an undercover unit
of Israeli troops, got out of the two car and opened fire at the
first car. The four civilians were instantly killed. They were
identified as.

1. Ma'ath Mohammed Fayez Qutait, 26, from Sirees village southeast of
Jenin, hit by several live bullets to the chest;

2. Ibrahim 'Ata 'Abdul Rahim Abu Salha, from Sirees village southeast
of Jenin, hit by several live bullets to the chest;

3. Fawaz Fakhri Fawaz Zakarna, 17, from Qabatya village southeast of
Jenin, hit by several live bullets to the chest; and

4. Fadi Fakhri Fawaz Zakarna, 28, from Qabatya village southeast of
Jenin, hit by several live bullets to the chest.

Israeli troops stated that Fadi Zkarna was wanted.

Collective Punishment against Families of Wanted Palestinians and
Those Who Have Carried out Armed Attacks against Israeli Targets

In violation of international humanitarian law, in particular the
Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in
Time of War of 1949, article 33 of which prohibits punishing any
protected person for "an offence he or she has not personally
committed," Israeli forces took retaliatory measures against the
families of Palestinians Israel alleges have ordered, facilitated, or
carried out attacks against Israeli targets.

At approximately 04.00 on Wednesday, 15 September 2004, Israeli
troops moved al-Zaher neighborhood in Qalqilya. They surrounded a 120-
square-meter, 3-storey house belonging to the family of Yousef
Taleb 'Ali Eghbari, who exploded himself on the preceding day near an
Israeli military checkpoint at the entrance to Habla village, south
of Qalqilya. Israeli troops forced the 5 residents of the house out
and destroyed the house.

At approximately 09.30 on Wednesday, 15 September 2004, after they
had killed 5 Palestinian gunmen at al-Razi Street in the west of
Nablus, Israeli troops demolished a 100-square-meter deserted house
belonging to the Zaid al-Keelani family, claiming that the gunmen hid
inside it.

Continued Siege on the oPt

This week, Israeli occupying forces have continued to impose a
tightened siege on the oPt and imposed severe restrictions on the
movement of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip and the West
Bank, including Jerusalem.

Gaza Strip

Israeli occupying forces have continued to impose a tightened siege
on the Gaza Strip for the 18th consecutive week. This week, they
divided the Gaza Strip into 3 separate zones.

Until Saturday morning, 11 September 2004, Israeli troops had
continued to close Abu Houli and al-Matahen checkpoints to the north
of Khan Yunis. At approximately 17.15 on Friday, 10 September 2004,
Israeli troops fired at Palestinian civilians who were waiting at al-
Matahen checkpoint. One civilian, Ibrahim Jama'an Abu Dahrouj, 21,
from Gaza Valley village, was injured by shrapnel in the chest.

On Sunday morning, 12 September 2004, and Monday afternoon, 13
September 2004, Israeli troops closed the two checkpoints and held
and searched a number of Palestinian civilian vehicles in between.
They arrested Mohammed Abu Shabab, 27, from Khan Yunis. Israeli
troops often close the two checkpoints for long hours.

Israeli troops have continued to impose a strict siege on al-Mawasi
area in the southern Gaza Strip. They have continued to impose severe
restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians to and from the
area. They have also continued to prevent female Palestinians whose
ages are between 16 and 25, and male ones whose ages are between 16
and 30 from crossing the checkpoint without prior coordination.

Israeli troops have also continued to impose a tightened siege on al-
Sayafa area in the northern Gaza Strip. The have denied entry of
domestic gas to the area. They have also imposed severe restrictions
of the movement of Palestinian farmers. Israeli troops allow only 5
persons to get out of the area everyday to bring foodstuffs. On
Sunday, 12 September 2004, Israeli troops reopened the entrance to
the area after it had been closed on Friday, 3 September 2004.
However, Israeli troops allow schoolchildren to come back to the area
only at 17.00. In the same context, Israeli troops have continued to
impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians
living in al-Ma'ni area near "Kfar Darom" settlement in the central
Gaza Strip.

Israeli troops have continued to close Erez crossing in the northern
Gaza Strip for the third consecutive week. A very limited number of
patients have been allowed to travel through the crossing. Even
though Israeli occupying forces partially reopened al-Mentar (Karni)
commercial crossing to the east of Gaza City, and Sofa crossing,
northeast of Rafah, they have imposed severe restrictions on the flow
of goods through the two crossing.

Israeli troops have continued to impose severe restrictions on travel
through Rafah International Crossing Point, which has been the only
outlet for the Gaza Strip to the outside world since 14 February
2001, when IOF destroyed the runway of Gaza International Airport.
The number of Palestinians allowed to travel through the terminal
daily is very limited. As a result, many patients who are badly in
need of special medical treatment abroad have not been able to
travel. Israeli troops have continued to prevent Palestinians whose
ages are between 16 and 35 from traveling through the terminal since
16 April 2004.

The West Bank

IOF have continued to impose a strict siege on Palestinian
communities. They have also imposed severe restrictions on the
movement of Palestinian civilians.


Israeli troops imposed more restrictions on the movement of
Palestinian civilians, while they have continued to construct new
sections of the annexation wall to the north of East Jerusalem.
According to eyewitnesses, Israeli troops erected a number of
temporary checkpoints on roads leading to the city. On Thursday
evening, 9 September 2004, Israeli troops erected 4 military
checkpoints to the northwest of Jerusalem, and checked dozens of
Palestinian civilians.


Since Tuesday, 31 August 2004, Israeli troops have continued to
impose a tightened siege on Hebron. They have isolated the town from
its surroundings. They chased Palestinian civilians who attempted to
travel to and from the town. Israeli troops also imposed restrictions
on the movement of Palestinian civilians inside the town. On
Thursday, 9 September 2004, Israeli troops stopped and checked dozens
of Palestinian civilians in various areas in the town. They also held
at least 40 civilians, including schoolchildren and women, and took
them to settlements inside the town. Israeli troops interrogated
these civilians and beat some of them. They also severely beat Ishaq
Mohammed al-Qawasmi, 45, and Rashid 'Abdul Halim Houshia, 32. The two
sustained bruises throughout the body. At approximately 10.00 on
Sunday, 12 September 2004, Israeli troops positioned at a military
checkpoint at the northern entrance of al-Fawar refugee camp, south
of Hebron, severely beat Isma'il Mohammed al-Najjar, 25. He sustained
serious bruises throughout the body.


On Sunday morning, 12 September 2004, Israeli troops positioned at
the Container checkpoint, northeast of Bethlehem, severely beat
Sameeh 'Abdul Karim al-Fawaghra, 23, from Wad Rahhal south of
Bethlehem, while he was on his way to his work. He sustained bruises
throughout the body. Also on Sunday morning, Israeli troops
positioned at checkpoint at the northern entrance of al-Khader
village, southwest of Bethlehem, severely beat Mahanna Mousa Khalawi,
24. He sustained bruises.


Israeli troops imposed more restrictions on the movement of
Palestinian civilians. On Saturday morning, 11 September 2004,
Israeli troops positioned at Beit 'Eiba checkpoint, west of Nablus,
stopped and checked Palestinian civilians traveling to the city.
Israeli troops positioned at Hawara and Za'tara checkpoints, south of
the city, and Beit Fourik checkpoint, east of the city, took similar
measures against Palestinian civilians. On Thursday, 9 September
2004, Israeli troops positioned at Hawara checkpoint, south of
Nablus, prevented hundreds of Palestinians civilians, including
patients, from traveling to and from the city. On Saturday, 11
September 2004, Israeli troops positioned at Beit Eiba military
checkpoint, west of Nablus, held Leena Budair, 24, a medic with the
Palestine Red Crescent Society from Far'oun village south of Tulkarm,
for several hours.


Israeli troops closed most of the main roads that link Jenin with
other communities. They erected a number of military checkpoints
around the town and imposed more restrictions on the movement of
Palestinian civilians. On Saturday evening, 11 September 2004,
Israeli troops imposed a total siege on the Jordan Valley and closed
the two iron gates at its entrances. On Sunday, 12 September 2004,
Israeli troops erected a number of temporary military checkpoints in
the central Jordan Valley. In the evening, Israeli troops erected a
checkpoint between the villages of Tubas an 'Aqqaba, southeast of
Jenin. They stopped dozens of students who were traveling back to al-
Zababda village and held 5 girls and 3 young men for not having their
identity cards. When a clerk brought the identity cards, Israeli
troops positioned at the checkpoint fired 5 live bullets at him, but
he was not hurt. Two hours later, a representative of ICRC intervened
to release the 8 students.


Since Sunday, 12 September 2004, Israeli troops have imposed more
restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. They closed
all roads leading to the town with sand barriers, prohibiting
movement of Palestinian civilians.


On Friday evening, 10 September 2004, Israeli troops imposed a curfew
on Kharabtha al-Musbah village, southwest of Ramallah. On Saturday,
11 September 2004, Israeli troops imposed a curfew on Qoussin
village, southwest of Nablus, and 'Assira village, north of the city.

Arrests at Military Checkpoints

At noon Thursday, 9 September 2004, Israeli troops positioned at
Hawara checkpoint, south of Nablus, arrested Hanan Yousef Hanani, 25,
from Beit Fourik village, east of the city, while she was traveling
from Nablus back to her village. On Friday, 10 September 2004,
Israeli troops positioned at al-Karama Terminal on the Jordanian
border arrested Ahmed 'Ali al-Salahat, 28, from Abu Enjaim village,
south of Bethlehem, while he was traveling back to the West Bank from
Jordan. On Tuesday, 14 September 2004, Israeli troops erected a
spontaneous checkpoint near al-Tabaqa village, south of Hebron. They
arrested Ashraf Mustafa Shahin, 22, and Ra'ed Badawi Abu Za'nouna,

Continued Construction of the Annexation Wall

Israeli troops have continued to construct the annexation wall inside
the West Bank territory, especially in East Jerusalem and Hebron.

This week, Israeli troops continued to construct a section of the
wall at Ramallah – Jerusalem Street, north of East Jerusalem.
According to eyewitnesses, Israeli troops erected 5-meter-high cement
blocks between Qalandya checkpoint, south of Ramallah, and Dahiat al-
Barid area, north of east of Jerusalem. They erected some cement
blocks in middle of the main road, cutting the road that links
between Dahiat al-Barid area and a number of schools, thus forcing
schoolchildren to go to their schools through Qalandya checkpoint,
north of East Jerusalem.

In Hebron, Israeli troops continued to raze areas of Palestinian
agricultural land in Sikka village, southwest of the town, for the
purpose of the construction of the wall. They uprooted hundreds of
olive trees belonging to the families of al-Swaiti and al-Huraibat.
The first stage of the construction of the wall in Hebron district is
expected to extend of a 5-kilometer-long strip. According to military
orders issued by Israeli occupation authorities, the annexation wall
in Hebron is expected to extend to a distance of 29 kilometers.

Israeli troops also imposed more restrictions on the movement of
Palestinian civilians isolated behind the wall. On Thursday, 9
September 2004, Israeli troops adopted new procedures at the iron
gate at the entrance to Deir Ballout village, southwest of Nablus.
According to the new procedures, the gate would be opened from 07.00
to 09.00 and from 15.30 to 18.00, after it had been opened from 10.00
to 16.00 daily. This gate is one of the most important outlets that
link between the north and south of the West Bank.

Settlement Activities and Settlers' Attacks on Palestinian Civilians
and Properties

Israeli troops have pursued settlement activities in the oPt and
settlers who live in the oPt in violation of international
humanitarian law have continued to attack Palestinian civilians and
their properties.

On Thursday morning, 9 September 2004, Israeli troops, accompanied by
an officer of the planning department of the Israeli Civil
Administration, started to raze areas of Palestinian land in Bani
N'aim village, east of Hebron, near "Bnei Hefer" settlement. They
razed 5 donums of agricultural land and uprooted at least 100 olive
trees owned by Mohammed Ahmed Manasra.

On Friday morning, 10 September 2004, Israeli troops razed areas of
agricultural land near the Ibrahimi Mosque in the south of Hebron,
near "Avraham Avinu" settlement inside the town. This process
apparently aims at linking the aforementioned settlement with al-
Shuhada Street, which leads to 3 other settlements.

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