Imprès des de Indymedia Barcelona :
Independent Media Center
Notícies :: fòrum 2004 : especulació i okupació
The other Barcelona forum: the International Forum against evictions
17 set 2004

While in 1950 two thirds of the world’s population lived in the country, presently more than 3 billion persons, that is half of the world’s population, live in cities. Of these, over one billion are homeless or ill housed with a prospected worsening of the habitat conditions for another 700 million people within the year 2030, clamorously contradicting the 11th Target of the Millennium Development Goals, which proposes to improve these conditions for 100 million persons within the year 2020.
In the face of this catastrophic situation, UN Habitat has organised the second World Urban Forum on the theme of “Cities: Crossroads of cultures, inclusiveness and integration? ». About 3,000 delegates representing governments, local authorities, ong and world-wide experts will meet in Barcelona from September 13th to 17th, 2004 to furnish indications on how to favour the transition of the planet towards an urbanised world

Coherent with its founding premises, the International Alliance of Habitants has launched during the Mumbai FSM the campaign “Zero evictions�.

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