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Notícies :: guerra
voluntari@ para campaña en Jerusalén
15 set 2004
Dear Friends of Palestine and supporters of the Anti-Apartheid Wall

As the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign grows and the 2. National and
International Week against the Apartheid Wall is nearing, we are looking
for new volunteers to work at the Campaign Head Office in Jerusalem from
now on for the next months or year.

In attachment we are sending you two job descriptions for an English
editor/inline outreach and a volunteer for fundraising. We are inviting
you to support our search for volunteers by sending out the job
proposals to your contacts and addressing activists that could be
interested in supporting the Campaign from our office in Jerusalem.

Your help in finding volunteers to work with us is critical as it is
important that the activists working with us show a strong commitment to
the Palestinian cause and the Campaign call, have experience in
political online campaigning and internet outreach and are able to work
self-motivated and responsible especially under emergency schedules.

We are hoping to find new volunteers as soon as possible.

Thank you for your support!

Free Palestine!
Tear Down the Apartheid Wall!

Maren Karlitzky
(PENGON/Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign - outreach Europe)
europe ARROBA

This work is in the public domain


Re: voluntari@ para campaña en Jerusalén
15 set 2004
Per que poseu un títol en castellà i en canvi la notícia en anglès?

si poses una títol en un idioma el coherent seria trobarte la notícia en el mateix idioma.
Re: voluntari@ para campaña en Jerusalén
15 set 2004
Que plasta!
Re: voluntari@ para campaña en Jerusalén
15 set 2004
El més provable es que sigui perque el que ha penjat l'anunci no parli ni català ni castellà... i el títol l'hagi traduit amb un diccionari a la ma tot esperant que capullos com vosaltres us entereu de que va la noticia i en el cas que us interesi algú us ho tradueixi...
sou una panda de desagraits!!
Re: voluntari@ para campaña en Jerusalén
19 feb 2006
sex sport

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