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Praise be to Allah, I am Al Qa’ida
10 set 2004
Israeli soldiers taunt Palestinian children in refugee camps, calling their mothers’ whores until the kids throw some rocks. Then the Israeli soldiers shoot and kill them. They murder us for sport.
Percurssor Mahdi.jpg
A Present on 911 - USA.jpg
Praise be to Allah, I am Al Qa’ida

Al-Khansaa bint Omar, a poetess of the pre-Islamic period who converted to Islam during the time of the Prophet Muhammad, is considered the "mother of the Shahids (martyrs)." When her four sons died in the battle of Al-Qadissiyya, she did not mourn but thanked Allah for honoring her with their death.

The Muslim woman is a female Jihad warrior always and everywhere. She is a female Jihad warrior who wages Jihad by means of funding Jihad; she wages Jihad by means of waiting for her Jihad warrior husband, and when she educates her children to that which Allah loves.

"We will stand covered by our veils and wrapped in our robes, weapons in hand, our children in our laps, with the Koran and the Sunna of the Prophet of Allah directing and guiding us. The blood of our husbands and the body
parts of our children are the sacrifice by means of which we draw closer to Allah, so that through us, Allah will cause the Shahada for His sake to succeed.

Praise be to Allah, I am Al Qa’ida

I know how the Israelis treat the Palestinians as second-class citizens, denying them right and opportunities, giving them menial jobs and then taking away even that when things get rough, and leaving them to starve. I know how Palestinians pay $1500 to apply for a housing permit, and it is always denied by the Israelis, while Jewish extremists settle on Palestinian land and get away with their theft.

I know that if in revenge for Israeli incursions, one of us becomes a martyr for the glory of Allah, and blows up a few Israelis on a bus, as well as himself, that the Israelis will attack his entire village and kill twenty or thirty people – a lesson the Israelis learned from the Nazis. But it does not stop us. It simply underlines the injustice that we face every day.

Israeli soldiers taunt Palestinian children in refugee camps, calling their mothers’ whores until the kids throw some rocks. Then the Israeli soldiers shoot and kill them. They murder us for sport.

I know these things, deeply in my heart, and I hate America, the protector of Israel, the bully of the world.

First Iran was your friend, then Iran is your enemy. First Iraq was your friend, then Iraq is your enemy. First Afghanistan was your friend, then Afghanistan is your enemy. Now Saudi Arabia is your friend. Do you ever wonder when Arabia will be your enemy? Your only real friends are money and power. You do not care about people. Your only question is how you can most easily take from the rest of the world. Like all bullies you have no real courage, because you have no principles.

After the US and Israel withdrew from the UN Conference on Human Rights because they did not want to admit Israel’s guilt, our wondrous revenge took place in New York (Jew Pork?)

The World Trade Towers and the Pentagon attack was so elegant, so simple, like a mathematical formula. I sang praises to Allah. With only 19 dedicated martyrs, we killed many thousands of you, and demolished the shining symbol of your economic dominance, as well as blasting your devil-sided seat of military power.

This attack on American soil proved to the whole world that “the United States can be targeted on its soil by focusing on its most prominent points of weakness.�

If we hit just one percent of these points the United States would shrink and retire from leading the world and oppressing it…. A few Muslim youngsters managed to prove to the world, despite the international alliance against them, the capability to fight the super power… more than fifty governments, peoples, and countries in the Islamic world. That is since they held the Jihad as the means to save their religion.�

The apostate Arab governments and the Islamic clerics that support them and supply their legitimacy are primary targets. The conflict with these Arab governments is eternal and cannot be solved, since they are excommunicated from Islam. The rulers that want to solve our problems, of which the most important is the Palestinian one, through the United Nations… have betrayed Allah and his messenger are no longer Muslims… The Muslims should acquit themselves from these oppressing rulers. The acquitting from the evil rulers is known to be one of the two pillars of Tawhid, which are vital for the belief.

In the name of Allah, the merciful and compassionate

Preparing The Path of the al Mahdi
To those champions who avowed the truth day and night......And wrote history with their blood and sufferings: The confrontation that we are calling for with the apostate regimes does not know Socratic debates..., Platonic ideals..., nor Aristotelian diplomacy. But it knows the dialogue of bullets, the ideals of assassination, bombing, and destruction, and the diplomacy of the cannon and machine-gun... Islamic governments have never and will never be established through peaceful solutions and cooperative councils. They are established by pen and gun; by word and bullet; by tongue and teeth

Martyrs were killed, women were widowed, children were orphaned, men were handcuffed, chaste women's heads were shaved, harlots' heads were crowned, atrocities were inflicted on the innocent, gifts were given to the wicked, virgins were raped on the prostitution alter. Then to add insult to injury, after the fall of our orthodox caliphates on March 3, 1924 and the expulsion of the colonialists, our Islamic nation was afflicted with apostate rulers who took over in the Moslem nation. These rulers turned out to be more infidel and criminal than the colonialists themselves. Moslems have endured all kinds of harm, oppression, and torture at their hands. The same fate now threatens the Muslim Nation again

Apostate rulers threw thousands of the Haraka Al-Islamyia (Islamic Movement) youth in gloomy jails and detention centers that were equipped with the most modern torture devices and experts in oppression and torture.. But the rulers did not stop there; they started to fragment the essence of the Islamic nation by trying to eradicate its Moslem identity. They spread godless and atheistic views among the youth. Colonialism and its followers, the apostate rulers, then started to openly erect crusader centers, societies, and organizations like Masonic Lodges, Lions and Rotary clubs, and foreign schools.

They aimed at producing a wasted generation that pursued everything that is western and produced rulers, ministers, leaders, physicians, engineers, businessmen, politicians, journalists, and information specialists. [Koranic verse:] "And Allah's enemies plotted and planned, and Allah too planned, and the best of planners is Allah." The rulers tried, using every means of seduction, to produce a generation of young men that did not know anything except what the rulers want, did not say except what the rulers think about, did not live except according to the rulers' way, and did not dress except in the rulers' clothes. However, majestic Allah turned their deception back on them, as a large group of those young men who were raised by the rulers woke up from their sleep and returned to Allah, regretting and repenting.

The young men returning to Allah realized that Islam is not just performing rituals but a complete system: Religion and government, worship and Jihad (holy war), ethics and dealing with people, and the Koran and sword. The bitter situation that the nation has reached is a result of its divergence from Allah's course and his righteous law for all places and times. That situation came about as a result of its children's love for the world, their loathing of death, and their abandonment of Jihad.

Unbelief is still the same. It pushed Abou Jahl-may Allah curse him-and Kureish's valiant infidels to battle the prophet -God bless and keep him -and to torture his companions -may Allah's grace be on them. It is the same unbelief that drove Sadat, Hosni Mubarak, Gadhafi, Hafez Assad, Saleh, Fahed -Allah's curse be upon the non-believing leaders -and all the apostate Arab rulers to torture, kill, imprison, and torment Moslems. These young men realized that an Islamic government would never be established except by the bomb and rifle. Islam does not coincide or make a truce with unbelief, but rather confronts it. The young came to prepare themselves for Jihad , commanded by the majestic Allah's order in the holy Koran. [Koranic verse:] "Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah and your enemies, and others besides whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know."

US Presidents Clinton and Bush have incited Islamic rage against the West. Al Qa’ida has steered this large-scale conversion to jihad. On September 11, 2001, with its small army of aerial suicide bombers, the faithful turned history upside down. The US military machine now rules over more than 50 million Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq. Untold numbers are turning to a myriad Islamist radicals groups all over the Muslim world - which they identify as the only force capable of at least facing and demoralizing bit by bit the American empire.

And so we all line up under one banner or the other - though many will hide and keep pretending the world will become the way that they prefer. The only issues worth studying at this juncture are spiritual and military ones. Know your enemy: what are his forces, tactics and weaknesses? Then design the array of your own forces to make the best use of your skills, terrain and information. Here is a hint that may help you piece the future and your role together: All books, religions and serious thought are really the same thing: the search for honor. The truth of your self that is necessary before greater truths can be processed. Honor or greed - is the usual conflict - to be (real-true, long-term) or not to be (and thus to be swallowed by hate and greed) The defenders of Islam seek honor - or god’s grace - by defending the Koran and its enduring traditions. Single issue people (peace groups and reformers) have made a primitive and fatal mistake. They imagine that honor has meaning in a world without honor. Our duty must be to re-take and then to remake this world of sin and deception into something honorable and enduring.

We must all, as a state and as a people, recognize the truth about these criminals: the governments of the West and the apostate governments of Islam. These criminals have disseminated corruption in the land, and it is incumbent upon us -- the clerics, and the citizens -- to keep the word of Allah: 'The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive to spread corruption in the land is only this, that they should be murdered,' etc. [Koran 5:33]. Period!

In any language... in any religion the USA is the enemy of God.
In any language... in any religion the USA is the enemy of God.

This work is in the public domain


Re: Praise be to Allah, I am Al Qa’ida
10 set 2004
We can't help but be fascist in the united states. Why? Because we all conform. I, myself, know of Americas evils, but what can I do about it, nothing. The US gov puts this "don't even think about it" thought in your mind much like fascism does. I'm actually a worried citizen of the US and I become even more worried when I hear and see people talking patriotically about the vauge "War on Terror". I can't even laugh at them because it makes me sick. Then you got the neo-hippies who hate BUSH when they don't realize this has been going on forever. Its just an important time in their project, and unfortunatley, we are the generation to witness it first hand. The only thing we could hope for there ny hope?

Where is the story of the Kentucky National Guardsman – Spc. Baker, 37 – airforce veteran – who pretended to be a prisoner in Guantanamo – and they beat him so bad he almost died? He was discharged for medical reasons and the US army lied over and over about what happened – film evidence and the reasons for his discharge have been manipulated and kept secret. -Nicholas Kristof wrote, June 7, 2004, New York Times
Re: Praise be to Allah, I am Al Qa’ida
10 set 2004
En catala algu s'atreveix...gracies.
Salut Revolució i Ganja!
Re: Praise be to Allah, I am Al Qa’ida
10 set 2004
Re: Praise be to Allah, I am Al Qa’ida
11 set 2004
no pienso que un texto que elogia a los fascistas de al qa'ida merezca traduccion
Re: Praise be to Allah, I am Al Qa’ida
11 set 2004
Fora feixistes d'Indymedia.
Re: Praise be to Allah, I am Al Qa’ida
11 set 2004
Los de Al Qaeda no son fascistas. Llamemos a las cosas por su nombre por favor y basta de generalizar el uso de fascista.
Re: Praise be to Allah, I am Al Qa’ida
11 set 2004
Feixista era Mussolini i el fascio Italià.

Tota la resta son generalitzacions. Perque podem anomenar feixista a Bush i no als d' Al Qa'ida?.
Re: Praise be to Allah, I am Al Qa’ida
11 set 2004
Re: Praise be to Allah, I am Al Qa’ida
11 set 2004 es tracta de jutgar i posar adjectius. Aixo es una amenaça per als que en espresem jo sapiga tots el enllaços de la columna esquerra van a webs de tot el mon.

Hi han el.leccions als eeuu al octubre, hi ha interes en k no es digui segon que coses. hi ha una guerra. Aixo pot ser un bluf o no pero aquest comentari es un perill per la llibertat.
Re: Praise be to Allah, I am Al Qa’ida
11 set 2004
A sensenom:
El feixisme és una ideologia nascuda a principis del segle XX i que va adoptar diverses formes. Es tracta d'una ideologia que preconitza l'establiment d'un Estat que no té res a veure amb el que vol Al Qaeda. Per tant niells, ni el George Bush, són feixistes.
Igual que tampoc és anarquista el Sánchez Dragó, per molt que ell se'n digui a si mateix.
Re: Praise be to Allah, I am Al Qa’ida
11 set 2004
George Buch és un conservador ultra-cristià, però en cap cas feixista, ja que accepta i defensa la demòcracia representativa, que és la forma que generalment adopten els estats capitalistes com a règim polític. Mussolini i Hitler, estaven en contra de la democràcia representativa i del capitalisme.
Re: Praise be to Allah, I am Al Qa’ida
12 set 2004
Hay una vista mas grande de la lucha contra capitalismo - solamente hay dos anos y - es claro que la lucha de todas las formas - de nuerete y de grupos de cada idelogia -- estamos juntos, unidos y de cien porciento dedicada de guerra y a la fuerza natural de la gente de vida y de verdad!!!!!!
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