Imprès des de Indymedia Barcelona :
Independent Media Center
Notícies :: corrupció i poder : educació i societat
En nonbre de la Patria, el Estado os proteje.
03 set 2004
Vajaros del tanque o os mando a la erchanchia para que os aostie.
Ten cuidado Putina, mira mi colega Aznar..., como dejen de cojer reenes y enpiecen a poner bombas que esploten sin avisar en teatros y escuelas, te dejan sin gloria de ser el representante de los propietarios de los intereses patrios...

"The Russians may have employed a ruse to get their commandos close to the school -- perhaps by sending them in the vehicle that authorities had announced would be dispatched to collect bodies."

The Tass news agency said there more than 400 wounded. Russian news agencies said at least seven people had been dead on arrival at hospital. A reporter for Britain's ITV television news, said his cameraman had seen up to 100 bodies in the gymnasium of the school in Beslan, in the North Ossetia region adjoining Chechnya, after the hostage-takers left: "Our cameraman ... told me that in his estimation there are as many as 100 dead bodies, I am afraid, lying on the smoldering floor of the gymnasium where we know that a large number of the hostages were being held."

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