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Notícies :: globalització neoliberal
Informació exclusiva de Konrad Becker un dels leaders del S-77CRR Consortium! - Eyes in the Sky, Democracy in the Streets
15 jul 2004
Ens hem adreçat a l'organització que s'encarrega del desenvolupament del projecte S-77 Civil Counter-Reconnaissance, amb l'objecte d'intentar aportar més informació de la que mostren a la seva web fent esment també al pla local (Catalunya).

I aquest ha estat el resultat (el primer bloc es la part del meu e-mail, per després pasar a la resposta de Konrad)


> I would be very happy to announce first hand information about the
> actual state of integration and operativeness of your work, as well as
> any information regardling with the strategical objectives traced by
> the Consortium you leaderage.
> Did S-77 made any exploration/mission over the Catalonian/Spanish Sky?
> Is planned the possibility to create interactive mechanisms online to
> allow people get tuned about sensitive public interest information you
> discovered ?
> I'll specially appreciate any response from you in this line.
> Thanks for your attention,
> And be sincerely congratulated by this state-of-the-art piece of work
> released for free to extend civil and human rights around the world.

thanks for your message and your interest in our work. In response to your
questions may I suggest that the focus of efforts of establishing a counter
surveillance system have been largely based on the level of symbolic
politics and technological dialectics while the question of large scale
integration and interactive accessibility is to a great extend dependent on
resources as well as the price level of an expanding market.

As to missions over the Catalonian sky, flight operations command Marko
Peljhan is in charge, you also find an interview with him on the website-
together with a new documentary of the presentation in Vienna.

Best, Konrad Becker

S-77CCR Consortium
Mira també:

This work is in the public domain
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