Imprès des de Indymedia Barcelona :
Independent Media Center
27 gen 2007
Creat: 27 gen 2007

Horizontalizing the World Social Forum [Jan 20-25]

WSF which altermundialism? + WSF 2007, Kenya-Nairobi. Indymedia & Social Centers + Imc Radio Support for the WSF 2007 from Kenya + Archive where audio from imcs on different languages will be stored + African Imc conference needs your support + Listen with AMARC the social alternatives to 7th WSF + General objectives defined for the WSF 2007 + Ecologistes en Acció + The WSF is an expanding space + WSF 2007 (Nairobi) visits Catalunya

wsf global radio nodes

[Jan 24, 20h] Support from radio ((i)) to WSF:
Nairobi + Dublin + Barcelona (english)
en - ca - es --- Instructions to tune
[16-23h] Come to La Quimera to collaborate!!

+info :: indymedia + imc-kenia + ((i)) radio + + La Quimera + globalization

Africa :: Africa Wake Up! Only you can build this continent + World resistance African social movements' weaknesses + ¿Tribal wars? ¿Wars for interest$? + its ecological richness is in danger + Bayer,Syngenta – Multinational companies take out biological resources from Africa and don't give back the benefits + Every 24 hours 4,500 children die due to lack of water and cleaning-up + The debate about homosexuality spreads for the whole Africa + Darwin's nightmare + Migration: ¿a counterstrike to the counterstrike? + Mercenaries, Thieves, Politicians + Estratègies de guant blanc + The Africa plan “perverts� the pretended help objective and is not coherent with the development policies + Capitalism & colonialism at Cisjordania

+info globalization :: 2007 anti-G8 mobilizations in Germany + Soles no podem, calls for January 16, first meeting on a campaign to meet socialmovements + A small bunch of rich people control almost all world's goods + The Barcelona Housing Summit cancelled indefinitely + Manifest for the Global Tax Justice + video/report about global energy crisis + Call for world actions against international financial institutions + Non governmental euro-african manifest about migration, basic rights and movement freedom

Sindicato Sindicat