Imprès des de Indymedia Barcelona :
Independent Media Center
speculation and squatting
20 nov 2006
Creat: 20 nov 2006

La Makabra has been evicted!

last November 20th, at 7:45 in the morning police began to evict La Makabra CSO; this squat at 46 Tanger Street (Glories tube station) was an old factory and was now an alternative culture center, circus, free internet access point, social center, hostel, meeting point for forums and social debate, video screenings, concerts, and it also held canteen and parties to finance several alternative projets in the city >>> The eviction

[Nov. 20th]::Eviction photos + Video of Monserrat Tura unsuccessfully trying to dialogue with St. Jaume's protest assistants

>>> concentrations gathering to protest!!!

Maximum presence support is being asked !!!

More info >>> speculation & squatting section + + feature on ireland imc

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